
Daftar Gaji in gas companies

Indonesia has a lot of oil and gas fields, whether they are, are, as well as the unexplored and exploited. Although the discovery of oil reserves in the world declined significantly, it is said, the oil reserves in Indonesia are still quite large and unspoiled.

No doubt, this begs a lot of potential oil and gas companies (oil) for foreigners in droves to invest in Indonesia. In the end, create employment sector also be open. But really, how the salary and benefits actually obtained for work in this oil and gas sector? (Who work in Indonesia .... ya lo)

This data 2 - 3 years ago so the owners, yes kira2 up 1 - 3 juta is from the dicantum below.
Fresh graduate umumnya masuk di tingkat 18A

China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC)
Fresh graduate masuk ke CNOOC pada level 19

Fresh graduate biasanya masuk di level 12.

Fresh graduate biasanya masuk pada tingkat ke 8

Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (KUFPEC)
Fresh graduate masuk di level 9.

Fresh graduate ada di level 8

Star Energy
resh graduate biasanya masuk pada entry level ke 8

Tately N.V.
Fresh graduate masuk di level 7

Total S.A.
Fresh graduate masuk di level 10

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