Hasil Pengumuman CPNS Depag (departemen Agama)
Bagi yang membutuhkan contoh-contoh soal CPNS 2009-2010 GRATIS anda bisa download disini, dan yang ingin tahu lowongan CPNS Terbaru, bisa lihat disini atau di cpnsindonesia.com. Kompilasi DVD-Islam silakan klik disini ...
Re: Persiapan-Seleksi CPNS DEPAG | Daftar Informasi Lowongan Kerja ...
sdh ada pengumumannya dari kemaren buka aj www.ropeg.depag.go.id. From: ulum zulvaton <> To: persiapan-seleksi@yahoogroups.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it Sent: Mon, November 30, 2009 11:36:05 AM Subject: Persiapan-Sel...
Pengumuman Hasil Tes CPNS Departemen Agama ( Depag ) Jateng Th ...
LOWONGAN KERJA LAGI KLIK : Kumpulan Seluruh Lowongan Kerja CPNS , BUMN dll Bulan November 2009 ( Update Terus ). Untuk Pengumuman lulus seleksi Administrasi : Kumpulan Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Administrasi CPNS dan BUMN th. ...
Pengumuman Hasil Ujian CPNS 2009 Departemen Agama (Depag ...
Kumpulan Seluruh Lowongan Kerja CPNS , BUMN dll Bulan November 2009 ( Update Terus ). Untuk Pengumuman lulus seleksi Administrasi : Kumpulan Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Administrasi CPNS dan BUMN th. 2009 ( Update Terus ) ...
Hasil Tes Tulis CPNS Depag Jawa Tengah 2009 « SCBS Lombok
Inilah pengumuman terbaru tentang daftar lulus penerimaan calon pegawai negeri sipil CPNS 2009 di lingkungan Departemen Agama wilayah Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Informasi pengumuman dan daftar nama nama yang lulus ujian tulis segera klik ...
Waspadalah! Akhir Desember Banjir Besar Landa Jakarta | Update ...
Pengumuman Hasil Ujian CPNS Depag 2009 Formasi Pusat: Sekretariat Jenderal dapat di download di sini .rar di sini atau di sini Ditjen Pendidikan Islam dapat di download di sini .rar di sini atau disini Ditjen Bimas Islam dapat di download di sini .rar di sini atau disini Ditjen Bimas Kristen ... Bagi yang membutuhkan contoh-contoh soal CPNS 2009-2010 GRATIS anda bisa download disini, dan yang ingin tahu lowongan CPNS Terbaru, bisa lihat disini atau di cpnsindonesia.com ...
Hasil Tes CPNS Depag Jatim 2009 « PANYARUWE
DIarsipkan di bawah: CPNS Depag, CPNS Depag Ponorogo 2009, CPNS Pemkab Ponorogo 2009, berita, diskriminasi, evaluasi, forum, guru, guru swasta, jejaring, kompetensi, lowongan CPNS, lowongan pekerjaan, pembelajaran, pendidikan, ponorogo, ...
Hasil Pengumuman CPNS Depag (departemen Agama)
Pengumuman Penerimaan CPNS di sini Formasi masing-masing Unit Eselon I Departemen Agama di sini

Bagi yang membutuhkan contoh-contoh soal CPNS 2009-2010 GRATIS anda bisa download disini, dan yang ingin tahu lowongan CPNS Terbaru, bisa lihat disini atau di cpnsindonesia.com. Kompilasi DVD-Islam silakan klik disini ...
Re: Persiapan-Seleksi CPNS DEPAG | Daftar Informasi Lowongan Kerja ...
sdh ada pengumumannya dari kemaren buka aj www.ropeg.depag.go.id. From: ulum zulvaton <> To: persiapan-seleksi@yahoogroups.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it Sent: Mon, November 30, 2009 11:36:05 AM Subject: Persiapan-Sel...
Pengumuman Hasil Tes CPNS Departemen Agama ( Depag ) Jateng Th ...
LOWONGAN KERJA LAGI KLIK : Kumpulan Seluruh Lowongan Kerja CPNS , BUMN dll Bulan November 2009 ( Update Terus ). Untuk Pengumuman lulus seleksi Administrasi : Kumpulan Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Administrasi CPNS dan BUMN th. ...
Pengumuman Hasil Ujian CPNS 2009 Departemen Agama (Depag ...
Kumpulan Seluruh Lowongan Kerja CPNS , BUMN dll Bulan November 2009 ( Update Terus ). Untuk Pengumuman lulus seleksi Administrasi : Kumpulan Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Administrasi CPNS dan BUMN th. 2009 ( Update Terus ) ...
Hasil Tes Tulis CPNS Depag Jawa Tengah 2009 « SCBS Lombok
Inilah pengumuman terbaru tentang daftar lulus penerimaan calon pegawai negeri sipil CPNS 2009 di lingkungan Departemen Agama wilayah Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Informasi pengumuman dan daftar nama nama yang lulus ujian tulis segera klik ...
Waspadalah! Akhir Desember Banjir Besar Landa Jakarta | Update ...
Pengumuman Hasil Ujian CPNS Depag 2009 Formasi Pusat: Sekretariat Jenderal dapat di download di sini .rar di sini atau di sini Ditjen Pendidikan Islam dapat di download di sini .rar di sini atau disini Ditjen Bimas Islam dapat di download di sini .rar di sini atau disini Ditjen Bimas Kristen ... Bagi yang membutuhkan contoh-contoh soal CPNS 2009-2010 GRATIS anda bisa download disini, dan yang ingin tahu lowongan CPNS Terbaru, bisa lihat disini atau di cpnsindonesia.com ...
Hasil Tes CPNS Depag Jatim 2009 « PANYARUWE
DIarsipkan di bawah: CPNS Depag, CPNS Depag Ponorogo 2009, CPNS Pemkab Ponorogo 2009, berita, diskriminasi, evaluasi, forum, guru, guru swasta, jejaring, kompetensi, lowongan CPNS, lowongan pekerjaan, pembelajaran, pendidikan, ponorogo, ...
Pengumuman CPNS 2009
Professionalism candidate recruitment committee of civil servants (CPNS) Ponorogo this year really dipertaruhkan.Sebab, written tests Pegumuman molor.Hingga threatened at 21.00 last night (27/11), Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) has not received the results of the local correction sheet examinees computer answered by the University of Indonesia (UI).
"What is certain tonight (last night, Red) we have received, but not related to certain hour," explained Syaifur Rahman, Head of BKD Ponorogo, who was contacted before the news was revealed.
Say, the written test results were submitted yesterday afternoon (27/11). The results of the answers taken BKD staff at UI Jakarta. "Maybe tomorrow (today, Red) we can announce," he said.
Similar answers submitted Bambang, secretary of the committee, who was assigned to the group Jakarta.Dia and new possibilities in Ponorogo arrived at around 22:00. That is, if you travel smoothly and no constraints. "If the possibility of arriving smoothly yes hour Ponorogo much for," he said.
According to him, his entourage on a plane from Soekarno-Hatta airport at around 17:10 The plane will land at the Airport Adisumarmo Solo.Perjalanan will continue by land. "Once again, if the weather was sunny and there was no obstruction, 10 hours a night just about arrived," said.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Honorary Board (BK) Ponorogo DPRD Ali was Mufthi rate irregularities in making the announcement itu.Indikasinya CPNS test results, the team took the results of the committee must answer to Jakarta. In fact, BKD, said the chairman of the answers will be taken directly from the UI team to Ponorogo. "Delivered once said, why now taken sendiri.Ada what's this?" He said.
According to Ali Mufthi, BKD previously asserted that the written test answer sheets drawn in Ponorogo UI team. And, later corrected results are also taken directly to Ponorogo. "It was the same pattern, and the possibility of the game is still strong," he said.
Thes announcement CPNS test results could also occur in lalu.Saat that, for reasons out of a plane ticket, the announcement finally postponed. "What would we have identified all the irregularities and allegations of fraud recruitment CPNS.Jika recommendations will answer already out, we are ready to use political rights us, "said council member of the Golkar Party is. (dhy / hw / ISD)
Lowongan CPNS Kanwil Depag - Lowongan kerja terbaru,
Sejauh ini ratusan pelamar telah memasukkan lamarannya, namun jatah kuota lowongan yang disediakan hanya sebanyak 46 orang.
Untuk penerimaan CPNS Kanwil Depag Yogyakarta untuk tahun 2009 ini diakui oleh panitia penyelenggara mengalami keterlambatan satu hari.
"Hingga saat ini (kemarin) sebanyak 100 lebih pelamar yang mendaftarkan diri. Sebenarnya pembukaan lowongan penerimaan CPNS mengalami keterlambatan satu hari. Baru Senin (5/10) mulai dibuka," terang Sidiq Pramono, Kasubag Humas dan Kerukunan Umat Beragama Kanwil Depag DIY seperti yang dikutip dari situs bernas.com, Jumat (9/10).
Lowongan CPNS Kanwil Depag di Yogyakarta menerima sebanyak 46 pos, yang terdiri dari tenaga listrik dan guru, dan bagi para pelamar yang lulus seleksi nantinya akan ditempatkan ke seluruh Kantor Depag di DIY sesuai porsi masing-masing.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai lowongan Kanwil Depag di Yogyakarta, silahkan kunjungi www.depag-diy.net.
Dan adapun teknis pendaftaran, surat dan berkas-berkas lamaran dimasukkan dalam amplop tertutup. Pada sudut atas ditulis jenis ketenagakerjaan yang dipilih dan satuan kerjanya.
Kirim ke Panitia Pengadaan CPNS Kanwil Depag DIY Kotak Pos 2000/Yk-5500 Depag Jalan Sokonandi No 8 Yogyakarta. Adapun persyaratanya antara lain WNI umur 18-35 tahun hingga 1 Desember. Khusus pendaftar berusia 35- 40 tahun harus dilampirkan bukti wiyata bakti sampai 1 Desember.
Hot Lowongan CPNS Ristek 2009
* Warga Negara Republik Indonesia.
* Bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
* Memiliki integritas yang tinggi terhadap Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
Baru Lowongan CPNS DKP 2009
1. Warga Negara Indonesia;
2. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap karena melakukan suatu tindak pidana kejahatan;
3. Tidak pernah diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil, pegawai perusahaan atau pegawai swasta;
4. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS/PNS atau Calon/Anggota TNI/Polri serta tidak sedang menjalani ikatan kerja dengan perusahaan atau suatu anggota profesi lainnya;
5. Tidak sedang menjalankan pendidikan formal;
6. Berkelakuan baik;
7. Sehat jasmani dan rohani;
8. Tidak menjadi anggota dan atau pengurus partai politik;
9. Usia pada tanggal 1 Desember 2009, serendah-rendahnya 18 tahun dan setinggi-tingginya 35 tahun;
10. Pendidikan:
* Pasca sarjana (S2), dengan Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal 3,00;
* Sarjana (S1)/Diploma IV, dan Diploma III, dengan Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal 2,50;
* Status akreditasi program studi pada point a dan b minimal B (apabila di dalam ijazah tidak tertera atau mencantumkan status akreditasi maka dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Akreditasi dari Perguruan Tinggi);
* Sekolah Usaha Perikanan Menengah (SUPM) Negeri;
* Khusus yang melamar Jabatan Peneliti, Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal = 3,00.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai lowongan CPNS DKP 2009 anda dapat menghubungi situs resmi Rekrutmen CPNS DKP 2009 yang beralamat di http://www.ropeg.dkp.go.id/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=166&Itemid=1
JOB VACANCY AT UPSC Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2010
Sarkari Jobs in this post: Officers Training Academy
Indian Military Academy, Naval Academy amd Air force Academy admission for the Cources commencing in January, 2011 and Officers Training Academy, Chennai for the cources (Men and Women) commencing in April, 2011. “Secretary, Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur house, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi – 110069”
Indian Military Academy, Naval Academy amd Air force Academy admission for the Cources commencing in January, 2011 and Officers Training Academy,
Vacany of Post:
A. Indian Military Academy, Dehradun : No of Post : 250 posts,
B. Naval Academy, Goa : No of Post : 40 posts,
C. Air Force Academy, Hyderabad : No of Post : 32 posts,
D. Officers Training Academy , Chennai : No of Post : 175 posts,
E. Officers Training Academy, Chennai (Women) : No of Post : 10 posts,
Essential Qualification & Experience:
A. For Indian Millitary Academy and Officers’ Training Academy : Graduate Degree in any field from a recognised university or equivalent.
B. For Naval Academy : B.Sc. or Bachelor of Engineering.
C. For Air Force Academy: Graduate Degree of a recognised university with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level or Bachelor of Engineering.
D. Candidates who are studying in final year Degree Course and yet to pass final year degree examination or equivalent examination can also apply for the Examination, but they will be required to submit proof of passing the Degree Examination or equivalent examination by the specified dates.
Age Limit:
A. Indian Millitary Academy : Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January, 1987 and not later than 1st January 1992 only are eligible.
B. Naval Academy : Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January, 1989 (2nd January, 1987 in case of NCC Naval wing ‘C’ certificate holders) and not later than 1st January 1992 only are eligible.
C. Air Force Academy : Unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 2nd January, 1988 and not later than 1st January 1992 only are eligible.
D. Officers’ Training Academy – (SSC Course for Men) : Male candidates (Unmarried or Married) born not earlier than 2nd January, 1986 and not later than 1st January 1992 only are eligible.
E. Officers Training Academy – SSC (Women Non- Technical) Course : (a) Unmarried Women, issueless widows who have not remarried, and issueless divercees (in possession of diveorce documents) who have not remarried are eligible. (B) They should have been not earlier than 2nd January, 1986 and not later than 1st January, 1992.
How to apply for above post:
Applicants Application Complete in all respect must reach the “Secretary, Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur house, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi – 110069″ either by hand or by Post/Speed Post only or by Courier, on or before 26th October, 2010.
Fees: OBC candidates are required to pay full fees. Rs. 100/- through Central Recruitment Fee Stamp only. SC/ST candidates are exempted from payment of fees.
Last Date of Application Submission: 26.10.2009.
Application Form /Advertisement Source Credits:
mailto:http://upsc.gov.in / http://upsc.gov.in/exams/exams.htm
Job Vacancy in Puchong, Selangor as Technical Sales Engineer
“We value our people and their needs. We provide not just the training and tools, but more importantly, an energising and service-oriented environment that allows you to grow personally and develop mentally…”
Alphamatic Group of Companies is a fast growing Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) status Group of Companies, leading of Information Technology integrator and solution provider in the market.
The subsidiary, BOSS Solutions Sdn. Bhd. is focused on providing leading-edge technology software on Human Capital Management System (HCMS) and chartered secretary solution. We Achieved MSC status in 1997 and ISO 9000:2001 in 2004, the company has successfully build a strong reputation in Malaysia with proven tracks of more than 10,000 users with 2,500 installation sites.
In line with our escalated growth and plans for expansion, we invite resourceful, highly motivated and enthusiatic professionals to join our dynamic team:
Technical Sales Engineer
(Selangor - Puchong - Bandar Puteri, Ipoh – Jalan Bendahara and Johor Bahru - Taman Molek)
- To provide technical support via phone or attend onsite for product under warranty and for contract as well as non-contract customers.
- Responsible in new installation for customer who have purchased the IT product and selected AlphaCare Professional Installation Service.
- To assist in projects implementation for complex project which lead by Project Engineer.
- To manage and implement simple network project comprises of server & Windows OS, tape backup drive, UPS, network switch, antivirus software etc.
- Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Advanced/Higher/Graduate Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree, Post Graduate Diploma or Professional Degree in Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Engineering (Electrical/Electronic) or equivalent.
- Advantage if possess industrial certification such as MCSE or/and CCNE/CCNP.
- At least 2 year(s) of working experience in IT support for PC, server, LAN products etc. is required for this position.
- Applicants must be willing to work in Puchong-Bandar Puteri, Ipoh-Jalan Bendehara and JB-Taman Molek.
- Applicants should be Malaysian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
- Able to work long hours if requested.
- Preferably Chinese speaking candidates
Job Knowledge / Skill:
- Possess knowledge in storage, server and network technology
- Equip with problem solving technique and customer handling skill
- Good knowledge In various version of Microsoft OS e.g. Windows NT / 2000 / XP and Vista; Networking technologies.
Analyst Programmers (2 Positions)
(Based in HQ Office – Bandar Puteri Puchong, Selangor)
- Degree holder in Computer Science or Information System.
- Good in Visual dot NET or ASP.NET programming skill.
- Experience in MS SQL, Oracle or other database will be advantaged.
- Knowledge in Human Resource Management System will be advantaged.
- Minimum 1 year working experience in programming.
- Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply for the junior position (Training will be provided)
- Willingly to work extended hours to complete critical task.
- Ability to learn, accept new challenges and adapt to technologies evolution.
- Able to work with minimum supervision, self-driven and result orientated.
- Discipline, Good Communication and Interpersonal skill.
- Required language(s): Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Malay
Interested candidate are invited to apply online / fax-in / write-in together with a complete detailed resume, current and expected salaries and a recent passport-sized photograph (n.r.) to:
Human Resource Department
Wisma Alphamatic, No 22-18, Jalan Puteri 4/2,
Bandar Puteri, 47100 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Fax : 03-80616839 Website : www.alphamatic.com.my
PT Pacific Fiber Indonesia is one of Multinational Company that leads a forestry industry (HTI), chip mills projects and operations in East Kalimantan Area. We invite professionals and dynamics people who are ready to be located in Balikpapan or Site Forestry and fill those positions:
The successful candidate will be familiar to checking all claim / reimbursement expense, preparing advance request, recording and updating list advance request and report to Finance Manager. Preparing deposit & withdraw to bank daily
checking the employee settlement, receive payment from clientetc. with strong computer.
v Bachelor's Degree in Accounting with Min. GPA 3.0.
v Minimum 3 years experienced as Cashier in Manufacturing Industry or Plantation Company.
v Good Communication in English both oral and written and Computer Literate (Mandarin skills is preferred)
v Good interpersonal skill, honest, discipline, Initiative, team-work, self-motivated and dynamic.
v Willing to work in Telukwaru, Balikpapan .
The successful candidate will be familiar to handle operation budget, finance report monthly and yearly, check and control account payable and account receivable etc. with strong computer & Leadership
v Bachelor's Degree in Accounting with Min. GPA 3.0.
v Minimum 3 years experienced as Finance Supervisor in Plantation Company or Manufacturing Industry.
v Good Communication in English both oral and written and Computer Literate (Mandarin skills is preferred)
v Good interpersonal skill, honest, discipline, Initiative, team-work, self-motivated and dynamic.
v Willing to work in Telukwaru, Balikpapan .
The successful candidate will be familiar to handle all tax administration such as calculation and payment of all taxes also prepare annual income tax and PPh 21.
v Bachelor degree in Accounting or Tax with Min. GPA.3,0.
v Minimum 1 year experience in the same positions.
v Good skills in Accounting, Tax, Reporting,computer and SAP software.
v Good knowledge of Indonesian Tax Regulations.
v Good interpersonal skill, honest, discipline, Initiative, team-work, self-motivated and dynamic.
v Good Communication in English both oral and written and Computer Literate (Mandarin skills is preferred)
v Willing to work in Telukwaru, Balikpapan .
Submit your application letter, comprehensive CV with recent photograph, and related certification before 01thOctober 2009 to HRD Department of PT PFI:
recruitment@pacific-fiber.com or PO BOX 570 East Kalimantan 76114 . Please put the position code on e-mail subject or top right of the envelope and quote your salary expectation in your application letter. Only short listed candidate will be invited for test and or interview.
Job Vacancy Navy Observer Aviation Cadre of Executive Branch Course Commencing – July 2010
Observer Aviation Officer
The Indian Navy, Short Service Commissioned (SSC) Officer as Observer in Aviation Cadre of Executive Branch, Post Bag No. 04, Nirman Bhawan, Post Office, New Delhi – 110011
The Indian Navy, Applications are invited from unmarried Men and Women candidates for Short Service Commission (Observer Officer) in the Aviation Cadre of Executive Branch of the Indian Navy for Course commencing Jul 2010 at Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala. Candidates to fulfill conditions of nationality as laid down by the Government of India.
Observer Officer Executive Branch:
No of Post: Unlimited as per Govt. demands.
Essential Qualification & Experience: A Graduate Degree in any discipline with an aggregate of 55% marks with Physics and Mathematics as main subjects at 10+2 level.
Scale of Pay:
1. SUB LIEUTENANT PAY BANDS/SCALE PB-3/15600-39100 GRADE PAY Rs. 5400 MSP Rs. 6000/-,
2. LIEUTENANT PAY BANDS/SCALE PB-3/15600-39100 GRADE PAY Rs. 6100 MSP Rs. 6000/-,
3. LIEUTENANT CDR PAY BANDS/SCALE PB-3/15600-39100 GRADE PAY Rs. 6600 MSP Rs. 6000/-,
4. COMMANDER PAY BANDS/SCALE PB-4/37400-67000 GRADE PAY Rs. 8000 MSP Rs. 6000/-,
Age Limit: 19 to 23 years, born between 02 Jul 1987 and 01 Jul 1991; both dates inclusive.
Physical Standards:
(a) Height and Weight. Minimum height Men -162.5 cms and Women 152 cms with correlated weight, leg length, sitting height and thigh length.
(b) Eye Sight. The minimum acceptable vision standard for distant vision 6/6, 6/9 correctable to 6/6, 6/6. Should not be colour/night blind.
Short Service Commissioned: ssc is granted for a term of 10 years, extendable to 14 years, subject to service requirements and performance / willingness of the candidate.
How to apply for above post:
Application Forms, in accordance with the prescribed format, and complete in all respects with superscription on the envelope “APPLICATION FOR SSC (OBSERVER) JULY 2010 COURSE, Qualification …………… Percentage …….% ” is to be sent by 24th October, 2009 to the address : Post Bag No. 04, Nirman Bhawan, Post Office, New Delhi - 110011
Last Date of Application Submission: 24.10.2009.
NEW JOB Clerk jobs in Union Bank of India
Union Bank of India, UBI, website between 01/10/2009 and 31/10/2009. After registration, take a printout of the registration slip and keep it safe with yourself and do not send any copy or form to bank. Union Bank Of India, Central Office, 239,Vidhan Bhavan Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai- 400 021
Union Bank of India, UBI, The following candidates who have applied for ” Clerk” post in under Union Bank Recruitment Project – 2009. Candidate must have the Original certificates as well as one set of Photocopies of the following documents arranged chronologically. Union Bank of India, a Leading Listed Public Sector Bank with Head Office in Mumbai and all India representation, invites applications for recruitment to the posts in Clerical Cadre:L
No of Post: 1040 posts in various states,
Age Limit: Between 18 – 28 years as on 30.09.2009.
Pay Scale : Rs. 4410 to Rs.13210/-,
Essential Qualification & Experience:
(a) A Candidate must Passed Ist Class Degree from a UCG recognised reputed University or
(b) A First Class Pass (60% marks in the aggregate) in the Higher Secondary School (HSC) Examination or Standard XII under the 10+2+3 pattern or Standard XI under the 11+3 pattern or Intermediate Examination or Pre-University (PUC) Examination from a recognised Educational Board.
(c) Computer Awareness and Office Automation Course (Computer Basics, DOS, Office, Internet & E-Mail) from a Computer Training Institute of a duration of minimum 60 hours. The requirement of having completed the Computer Awareness & Automation Course will be waived in case of those Graduates having Computer Knowledge.
How to apply for above post:
Candidates must apply Online website between 01/10/2009 and 31/10/2009. After registration, take a printout of the registration slip and keep it safe with yourself and do not send any copy or form to bank. Union Bank Of India, Central Office, 239,Vidhan Bhavan Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai- 400 021
Fee: Rs.300/- (No fee for SC/ST/PH candidates) to be deposited in any Union Bank of India branch in India in cash by with the Application Fee Challan.
Last Date of Application Submission: Online website between 01.10.2009 and 31.10.2009.
Vacancy Notice No:HQ/09/HQ/HSE/TA216
Title: Administration Finance Officer
Grade: P3
Contract type: Temporary appointment
Duration of contract: 6 months
Date:18 September 2009
Deadline for application : 9 October 2009
(12 day(s) until closing deadline)
Currently accepting applications
Duty Station: Geneva Switzerland
Organization unit:HQ/HSE Health Security and Environment (HQ/HSE) /
HQ/FOS Food Safety, Zoonoses and Foodborne Diseases (HQ/FOS)
Within the Health Security and Environment cluster, FOS' goal is to lower the burden of diseases from food and animals by strengthening national and international capacity in control, prevention and surveillance of foodborne and zoonotic diseases of public health importance. In collaboration with WHO Regional Offices, the objective is to support Member States in the various aspects of food safety, zoonoses and foodborne diseases. To achieve this, the department advocates and promotes the communication of sound science and the provision of effective tools along the entire food chain.
Description of duties:
Under the supervision of Director FOS, the incumbent carries out the following duties:
1. Contribute to the development, analysis and consolidation of budget proposals for the department's strategic programme budget.
2. Ensure standards of consistency and best practice in the implementation of Finance policies, and a transparent flow of communication between teams, FOS Regional Advisers in regional offices and other related units.
3. Provide guidance and advice on the interpretation of the WHO Manual and Financial Rules and Regulations;
4. Record and disseminate appropriately the exceptions, liaising with legal, internal audit and central policy units as necessary.
5. Prepare and track budget, liaise with donors to ensure efficient receipt of funds, manage all contracts and research grant agreements, and coordinate with the Director and PRP on higher level financial issues.
6. Check all obligating documents, downloading relevant information available from GSM System.
7. Liaise with technical staff on operational proposals, project document and activity reports for partners and donors.
8. Provide administrative assistance to the FOS Director and P-Staff.
9. Perform other duties as required by the Director.
Advanced level university degree in public administration, business administration, or related field.
(For WHO staff, please see e-manual III, 4.1, para220)
1. Thorough knowledge of administrative, financial and management principles and practices.
2. Proven skills in project planning.
3. Demonstrated ability to act independently and exercise sound judgment.
4. Ability to work closely in harmony with government and international officials at all levels.
5. Excellent inter-personal skills.
6. Ability to work as a leader as well as member of a team.
7. Ability to work under pressure.
8. Ability to work with competing priorities, tight deadlines and under pressure.
9. Good skills in on-the-job education;
10. Writing and editorial skills for preparing reports and presentations to donors.
11. Oral presentation skills.
12. Computer, financial management and analytical skills.
13. Demonstrated ability to work in multicultural and multidisciplinary settings.
Competencies (www.who.int/employment/competencies)
1. Communicating in a credible and effective way
2. Producing results
3. Moving forward in a changing environment
4. Fostering integration and teamwork
5. Setting an example
1. At least five years' experience in programme planning, financial administration;
2. Knowledge of WHO corporate financial IT systems;
3. Experience with GSM
1. Experience working with other International Organizations.
2. Experience in reporting and/or in HR management, resource mobilization and donor tracking activities.
3. Work experience in public health.
Excellent knowledge of English
Working knowledge of French
Additional Information:
Other similar positions at the same level may be filled from this vacancy notice.
This vacancy is published in English only.
Annual salary: (Net of tax)
53629USD at single rate
57453USD with primary dependants Post Adjustment: 84.6 % of the above figure(s). This percentage is to be considered as indicative since variations may occur each month either upwards or downwards due to currency exchange rate fluctuations or inflation.
A written test and interviews may be used as a form of screening
Online applications are strongly encouraged to enable WHO to store your profile in a permanent database. Please visit WHO's e-Recruitment website at: www.who.int/employment. The system provides instructions for online application procedures.
All applicants are encouraged to apply online as soon as possible after the vacancy has been posted and well before the deadline stated in the vacancy announcement.
Applications from women and from nationals of non- and under-represented member states are particularly encouraged.
Any appointment/extension of appointment is subject to WHO Staff Regulations, Staff Rules and Manual. Only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted.
Currently accepting applications
Administration Finance Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/HSE/TA216
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Temporary appointment
Closing Date:09 Oct 2009
Vacancy Number:PAHO/09/FT565
Duty Station:El Paso, Texas United States of America
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:08 Oct 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/HTM/FT601
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:02 Oct 2009
Advisor, Perinatal Health
Vacancy Number:PAHO/09/FT586
Duty Station:Montevideo Uruguay
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:16 Oct 2009
Budget and Finance Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/TA218
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Temporary appointment
Closing Date:13 Oct 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/HTM/FT543
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:28 Sep 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/HTM/FT546
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:29 Sep 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/HTM/FT628
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:13 Oct 2009
External Relations Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/RDG/TA220
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Temporary appointment
Closing Date:15 Oct 2009
External Relations Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/DGR/FT625
Duty Station:New York United States of America
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:12 Oct 2009
Field Security Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/GMG/FT563
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:29 Sep 2009
Field Security Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/RDG/TA217
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Temporary appointment
Closing Date:09 Oct 2009
Field Security Officer
Vacancy Number:EMRO/09/FT607
Duty Station:Kabul Afghanistan
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:27 Oct 2009
Finance Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/FCH/FT634
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:14 Oct 2009
Finance Specialist, Assistant Treasurer
Vacancy Number:PAHO/09/FT626
Duty Station:Washington, D.C. United States of America
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:02 Nov 2009
Internship - Communications Winter 2009-2010
Vacancy Number:HQ/09//ISHI1
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Grade:P level
Contract Type:Internship
Closing Date:30 Sep 2009
Internship - DGO Winter 2009-2010
Vacancy Number:HQ/09//ISHI2
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Grade:P level
Contract Type:Internship
Closing Date:30 Sep 2009
Internship - FCH Winter 2009-2010
Vacancy Number:HQ/09//ISHI3
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Grade:P level
Contract Type:Internship
Closing Date:30 Sep 2009
Internship - GMG Winter 2009-2010
Vacancy Number:HQ/09//ISHI4
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Grade:P level
Contract Type:Internship
Closing Date:30 Sep 2009
Internship - HAC Winter 2009-2010
Vacancy Number:HQ/09//ISHI5
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Grade:P level
Contract Type:Internship
Closing Date:30 Sep 2009
Internship - HSE Winter 2009-2010
Vacancy Number:HQ/09//ISHI6
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Grade:P level
Contract Type:Internship
Closing Date:30 Sep 2009
Internship - HSS Winter 2009-2010
Vacancy Number:HQ/09//ISHI7
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Grade:P level
Contract Type:Internship
Closing Date:30 Sep 2009
Internship - HTM Winter 2009-2010
Vacancy Number:HQ/09//ISHI8
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Grade:P level
Contract Type:Internship
Closing Date:30 Sep 2009
Internship - IER Winter 2009-2010
Vacancy Number:HQ/09//ISHI9
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Grade:P level
Contract Type:Internship
Closing Date:30 Sep 2009
Internship - NMH Winter 2009-2010
Vacancy Number:HQ/09//ISHI10
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Grade:P level
Contract Type:Internship
Closing Date:30 Sep 2009
Internship - POL Winter 2009-2010
Vacancy Number:HQ/09//ISHI11
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Grade:P level
Contract Type:Internship
Closing Date:30 Sep 2009
Medical Epidemiologist
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/HTM/FT638
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:15 Oct 2009
Medical Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/CHP/FT418
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:30 Sep 2009
Medical Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/FCH/FT592
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:18 Oct 2009
Medical Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/STB/FT591
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:29 Sep 2009
Medical Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/HTM/FT588
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:28 Sep 2009
Medical Officer
Vacancy Number:WPRO/09/FT574
Duty Station:Manila Philippines
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:13 Oct 2009
Medical Officer (GUINEA WORM ERADICATION), Burkina Faso
Vacancy Number:AFRO/09/FT578
Duty Station:Ouagadougou Burkina Faso
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:14 Oct 2009
Medical Officer, Surveillance/IST-Central, Libreville, Gabon
Vacancy Number:AFRO/09/FT569
Duty Station:Libreville Gabon
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:27 Sep 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/GSC/TASR27
Duty Station:Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Contract Type:Temporary Appointment under Staff Rule 420.4
Closing Date:03 Oct 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/GSC/TASR28
Duty Station:Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Contract Type:Temporary Appointment under Staff Rule 420.4
Closing Date:03 Oct 2009
National Medical Officer - POLIO (2 positions in Baidoa and Bossasso - Somalia)
Vacancy Number:EMRO/09/TA210
Duty Station:
Contract Type:Temporary appointment
Closing Date:30 Sep 2009
National Professional Officer
Vacancy Number:EMRO/09/TA211
Duty Station:Baghdad Iraq
Contract Type:Temporary appointment
Closing Date:04 Oct 2009
National Professional Officer (Communications Officer)
Vacancy Number:EMRO/09/FT639
Duty Station:Amman Jordan
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:25 Oct 2009
National Professional Officer (NO.C)
Vacancy Number:EMRO/09/TA212
Duty Station:Al Basrah Iraq
Contract Type:Temporary appointment
Closing Date:04 Oct 2009
National Professional Officer - FINANCE - ACCOUNTS PAYABLE
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/GSC/TASR26
Duty Station:Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Contract Type:Temporary Appointment under Staff Rule 420.4
Closing Date:03 Oct 2009
National Professional Officer - FINANCE - ACCOUNTS PAYABLE
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/GSC/FT619
Duty Station:Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:10 Oct 2009
Natonal Professional Officer, HR Team, Centre Support Office (CSO)
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/GMG/TASR31
Duty Station:Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Contract Type:Temporary Appointment under Staff Rule 420.4
Closing Date:05 Oct 2009
Policy Development Officer, Health and Socioeconomic Development (Venice)
Vacancy Number:EURO/09/FT604
Duty Station:Venice Italy
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:18 Oct 2009
Product Specialist
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/GMG/FT633
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:14 Oct 2009
Product Specialist ( 2 Positions)
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/GMG/TA219
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Temporary appointment
Closing Date:15 Oct 2009
Program Management Specialist
Vacancy Number:PAHO/09/FT545
Duty Station:Washington, D.C. United States of America
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:28 Sep 2009
Project Manager (Health Systems Stewardship and Social Determinants of Health and Equity) - Venice
Vacancy Number:EURO/09/FT584
Duty Station:Venice Italy
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:08 Oct 2009
Public Health Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/HAC/FT593
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:29 Sep 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/FCH/FT611
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:18 Oct 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/EPR/FT609
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:07 Oct 2009
Scientist (Environmental Health and Climate Change)
Vacancy Number:SEARO/09/FT-20
Duty Station:New Delhi India
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:17 Oct 2009
Specialist, Malaria Prevention and Control
Vacancy Number:PAHO/09/FT573
Duty Station:Brasilia Brazil
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:13 Oct 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/STB/FT631
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:13 Oct 2009
Technical Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/MHI/FT621
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:09 Oct 2009
Technical Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/HSE/FT627
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:13 Oct 2009
Technical Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/HSS/FT554
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:02 Oct 2009
Technical Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/IHR/FT595
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:29 Sep 2009
Technical Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/HSE/FT594
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:29 Sep 2009
Technical Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/HSS/FT589
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:28 Sep 2009
Technical Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/IER/FT610
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:07 Oct 2009
Technical Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/RDG/FT608
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:06 Oct 2009
Technical Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/RDG/TA215
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Temporary appointment
Closing Date:09 Oct 2009
Technical Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/IER/FT623
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:10 Oct 2009
Technical Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/STB/FT635
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:14 Oct 2009
Technical Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/EPR/TA221
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Temporary appointment
Closing Date:16 Oct 2009
Technical Officer
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/POL/FT622
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:24 Oct 2009
Technical Officer (Health Care Facility Engineer) Re -issue of EMRO/09/TA53
Vacancy Number:EMRO/09/TA206
Duty Station:Amman Jordan
Contract Type:Temporary appointment
Closing Date:27 Sep 2009
Technical Officer (Health Economist)
Vacancy Number:EMRO/09/TA222
Duty Station:Cairo Egypt
Contract Type:Temporary appointment
Closing Date:18 Oct 2009
Technical Officer (Health Services Development and Health Care Financing)
Vacancy Number:WPRO/09/FT599
Duty Station:Suva Fiji
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:09 Oct 2009
Technical Officer (Infection Control)
Vacancy Number:WPRO/09/FT560
Duty Station:Hanoi Viet Nam
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:07 Oct 2009
Technical Officer (Two positions)
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/HTM/FT614
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:09 Oct 2009
Technical Officer Training Design
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/HSE/TA214
Duty Station:Lyons France
Contract Type:Temporary appointment
Closing Date:06 Oct 2009
Technical Officer, Health Promotion, Brazzaville
Vacancy Number:AFRO/09/FT629
Duty Station:Brazzaville Congo
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:22 Oct 2009
Technical Officer, Immunization Systems Support, IST Central, Libreville, Gabon
Vacancy Number:AFRO/09/FT567
Duty Station:Libreville Gabon
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:27 Sep 2009
Technical Officer, Laboratory Surveillance, CDS
Vacancy Number:EURO/09/FT605
Duty Station:Copenhagen Denmark
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:18 Oct 2009
Technical Officer/HIV Drug Resistance, IST/Burukina Faso
Vacancy Number:AFRO/09/FT583
Duty Station:Ouagadougou Burkina Faso
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:15 Oct 2009
Technical Officer/Health Technology and Laboratory, Kenya (Temporary Appointment)
Vacancy Number:AFRO/09/TASR32
Duty Station:Nairobi Kenya
Contract Type:Temporary Appointment under Staff Rule 420.4
Closing Date:25 Oct 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/GMG/TASR21
Duty Station:Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Contract Type:Temporary Appointment under Staff Rule 420.4
Closing Date:03 Oct 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/GMG/TASR30
Duty Station:Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Contract Type:Temporary Appointment under Staff Rule 420.4
Closing Date:03 Oct 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/GMG/FT624
Duty Station:Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:12 Oct 2009
Administrative Assistant I
Vacancy Number:PAHO/09/FT637
Duty Station:Washington, D.C. United States of America
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:22 Oct 2009
Administrative Assistant, Health Information Systems (readvertised)
Vacancy Number:EURO/08/FT858
Duty Station:Copenhagen Denmark
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:05 Oct 2009
Assistant (Web)
Vacancy Number:EURO/09/FT606
Duty Station:Copenhagen Denmark
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:28 Sep 2009
Assistant, Legal
Vacancy Number:EURO/09/FT598
Duty Station:Copenhagen Denmark
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:02 Oct 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/GSC/FT616
Duty Station:Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:10 Oct 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/GSC/TASR22
Duty Station:Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Contract Type:Temporary Appointment under Staff Rule 420.4
Closing Date:03 Oct 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/GSC/FT617
Duty Station:Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:10 Oct 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/GSC/TASR23
Duty Station:Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Contract Type:Temporary Appointment under Staff Rule 420.4
Closing Date:03 Oct 2009
Finance and Budget Technician I
Vacancy Number:PAHO/09/FT539
Duty Station:Santo Domingo Dominican Republic
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:01 Oct 2009
G.3/G.4/G.5 Temporary Administrative Support Staff
Vacancy Number:HQ/09//TA201
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Grade:G level
Contract Type:Temporary appointment
Closing Date:16 Oct 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/GSC/TASR25
Duty Station:Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Contract Type:Temporary Appointment under Staff Rule 420.4
Closing Date:03 Oct 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/GSC/TASR24
Duty Station:Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Contract Type:Temporary Appointment under Staff Rule 420.4
Closing Date:03 Oct 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/GSC/FT618
Duty Station:Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:10 Oct 2009
Logistics Assistant
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/LSS/FT587
Duty Station:Geneva Switzerland
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:28 Sep 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/GSC/FT620
Duty Station:Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:10 Oct 2009
Vacancy Number:HQ/09/HQ/GSC/TASR29
Duty Station:Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Contract Type:Temporary Appointment under Staff Rule 420.4
Closing Date:03 Oct 2009
Secretary, CO Belgrade, Serbia
Vacancy Number:EURO/09/FT585
Duty Station:
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:02 Oct 2009
Secrétaire/LOG, Bureau régional
Vacancy Number:AFRO/09/FT636
Duty Station:Brazzaville Congo
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:07 Oct 2009
Technical Assistant (Network Specialist)
Vacancy Number:EURO/09/FT602
Duty Station:Copenhagen Denmark
Contract Type:Fixed-term appointment
Closing Date:30 Sep 2009
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India Job Vacancy
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* Job Specialist III - Multilingual (3 Vacancies), COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, Boston, MA, 02117, USA
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Daftar Gaji in gas companies
No doubt, this begs a lot of potential oil and gas companies (oil) for foreigners in droves to invest in Indonesia. In the end, create employment sector also be open. But really, how the salary and benefits actually obtained for work in this oil and gas sector? (Who work in Indonesia .... ya lo)
This data 2 - 3 years ago so the owners, yes kira2 up 1 - 3 juta is from the dicantum below.
Fresh graduate umumnya masuk di tingkat 18A

Middle East Coal; 8 positions
Posting date : Saturday, June 20, 2009 Expiry date : Tuesday, June 30, 2009
A part of RAK Investment Authority
Investing in public-private partnership infrastructure is at the centre of our strategic, long-term commitment in Indonesia. We believe that a world-class transportation infrastructure creates a wealth of opportunities not just for our business but equally so for the larger community in which we operating
- Madhu Koneru, Vice Chairman (Middle East Coal)
Middle East Coal (MEC), is a joint venture between Trimex Group, and the Government of Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates MEC is formed to invest in large-scale coal and coal-related infrastructure opportunities in Indonesia MEC is presently engaged in the exploration of mining assets infrastructure such as railway and coal loading terminals, and other industries linked to coal.
MEC was founded to explore strategic investments in coal assets and coal-related infrastructure and industries and to support the global demand for sustainable and cost-effective energy resources.
MEC is looking for experienced, qualified, young and committed personnel to strengthen the team to meet delivery targets.
The incumbent must be Mining/ Civil engineer with extensive experience of opening/ operation of opencast coal mines, selection of heavy earth moving equipments end other maintenance practices, budgeting and cost control, crushers overland conveyors and maintenance. Must have knowledge of mining environment related Acts, Regulations & Labour Laws of the land.
Reporting to COD, The incumbeant will be responsible for Achievement of various objectives & goals in the areas of coal production, productivity, man management safety, technology, coal quality assurance, stockpiling, dispatches and cost Liaison with related Govt. Agencies/ Officials and Villagers to ensure uninterrupted mine operations. Ensuring implementation of best practices in safety and environmental management (ISO/OHSAS). Preparation of Capital/Revenue Budgets - Yearly/Monthly required for operations. Follow up with contractual agencies to ensure execution of works or supply of service/spares as per plan/PO.
Preference would be given to candidates holding Pengawas Utama/ Kepala Teknik Certification/ First Class Mine Manager s certificate.
The candidate must have more than 15 years of experience with strong inter-personal relationship skill, management skills and must have good leadership qualities.
The incumbent must be Mining engineer with extensive experience of opening/ operation of opencast coal mines, selection of heavy earth moving equipments and other maintenance practices, budgeting and cost control crushers, overland conveyors and maintenance. Must have knowledge of mining environment related Acts, Regulations & Labour Laws of the land.
The incumbent should have strong operating knowledge of Mine planning software – Minex.
Reporting to COD, The incumbent will be responsible for Planning, monitoring and co-ordinating the exploration activities at site. Analysing the geological geo-technical and quality data from exploration/coal mine. Develop a long term approach to mining coal reserves by defining and detailing potential reserves end developing an optimum sequence that meets customers coal requirement. Analyze and review current planning systems, processes and procedures to recommend improvements, introduce new tools and techniques and enhance the performance of mine Production process planning & monitoring of its execution. Quality Assurance of the ROM (Run of Mine), Manpower & resource planning in Mine Budgeting & costing of Mine operations, Statutory & environmental compliance. Monitoring project development activities and contractual operations. Monitoring & maintaining safe working conditions in exploration activities.
Preference would be given to candidates holding Pengawas Utama/ Kepala Teknik Certification/ First Class Mine Manager s certificate.
The candidate must have more than 12 years of experience with strong inter-personal relationship skills management skills and must have good leadership qualities.
The Incumbent must be Mining engineer with extensive experience of opening/ operation of opencast coal mines, crushers overland conveyors and maintenance. Must have knowledge of mining environment related Acts, Regulations & Labour Laws of the land.
Reporting to General Manager - Operations, The incumbent will be responsible for managing mine operations & infrastructure development activities. Ensure that mining operations including dumping/ancillary activities are as per safety guidelines. Manage operational crew & maintain related data report. Ensure all aspects of mining including Production, Coal Handling Plant, SH&E, GA, & HR are according to the Project s KPIs & target. Coordinating and monitoring contractual mining related activities. Planning development & area of improvements for the project and its execution.
The incumbent must possess Pengawas Operational Madya Certification from Directorate General of Mining and Energy / First Class Mine Manager s certificate of competency (coal).
The candidate must have more than 9 years of experience with strong inter-personal relationship skill, management skills and must have good leadership qualities.
The incumbent must have masters qualification in materials management or Bachelors of Engineering with extensive experience procuring mine site goods and services. Must have a good knowledge of exim regulations, local purchase, contract administration commercial functions.
Reporting to GM (Planning) the responsibility includes handling enquiry/tender, offer/Tender preparation, Customer follow up order negotiation. Also, pre bid offer taking from Supplier, negotiation with supplier, Post bid supplier s order placement, Material follow up, Engineering & inspection coordination dispatch and material movement coordination.
The candidate must have more than 9 years of experience with strong inter-personal relationship skill, management skills and must have good leadership qualities.
The incumbent must be senior high school of mining engineer diploma. Holding “pratama” operational certificate is preferred. The incumbent must have good ability in employee s supervision, resource planning and HSE Supervision.
The candidate must have minimum 5 years professional experience in large open pit coal mining operation with HEMM.
Reporting to Manager Operation, this position will lead, organize and provide direction for crews of overburden, coal/infrastructure development in a safe effective manner on time and within target budget, familiar with operational best practices in loading point, haul road, and dumping area familiar with machine application standard, achieve daily targets of machine utilization.
The incumbent must have a qualification degree in Mining or Occupational Health and Safety or Environmental Engineering Must possess strong interpersonal, management skills and leadership qualities.
Must have minimum 5 years relevant experience in Opencast Coal mines. Reporting to Manager (Operations), this position will be responsible to develop Safe Operating Procedures and Risk & Disaster Management Plans as per OHSAS 18001 and ISO 9001 and implement all aspects of safety and training, accident prevention, safety performance report, and accident and incident investigation for the mining and related operations.
The incumbent must have senior high school qualification The incumbent will be responsible for all day to day administration at site including facilities, resource availability.
Minimum 3 years experience in the similar capacity will be required.
Reporting to Manager - Laison and Administration, the main responsibility of the position shall be to provide facilities and resources for uninterrupted mine operation. Manage local internal and external environment for conducive work culture.
The incumbent must have degree in Human Resources/ Industrial relations. The incumbent will be responsible for all personnel function including attendance, roaster, industrial relations, leave administration, overtime, regulation Implementation, conduct and discipline.
Must have minimum 4 years of relevant experience in mining industry in east Kalimantan area.
Please note that all positions up to 7 is based in Sengata. However, extensive stay at mine site near Maura Wahau, will be required. Position no. 8 & 9 will be based at mine site.
Please note that for all positions above very good knowledge of written and spoken English is a pre-requisite.
MEC provides competitive compensation and benefits.
Please send your CV detailing your professional experiences, current salary & benefits, recent passport size photograph. Please mention the position code in subject line.
Please mail your CV to:
Human Resources Department
PT. Middle East Indonesia.
Sudirman Plaza Building , Plaza Marein Tower 20th/ F
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 76-78, Jakarta - Selatan 12910, Indonesia
Tel: +62 21 5793 7050 / Fax: +62 21 5793705
E-mail : recruitment@middleeastcoal.com
Application Close: 30th June 2009
Staff EDP dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
1. Menguasai LAN & WAN
2. Menguasai Hardware & Trouble Shooting
3. Dapat bekerja mandiri dan juga dengan team
4. Pria, S1 Komputer, Maks 30 tahun
5. Kesempatan dibuka juga untuk Fresh Graduated
6. Diprioritaskan tinggal di daerah Tangerang & sekitarnya.
Lowongan Fresh Graduate Juni Juli 2009
Kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap Anda ke:
Sertakan Kode Pekerjaan “IT” pada subjek email.
PT. Petrosea Tbk; Procurement Superintendent
Posting date : Monday, June 22, 2009 Expiry date : Monday, July 06, 2009
PT. Petrosea Tbk is Engineering, Construction and Mining Company looking for a bright, English speaking, team player and hardworking person to fill in the position as:
A. Procurement Superintendent (PS)
Lowongan Lulusan S1 Teknik Kaltim Juni Juli 2009
• Male
• S1, an engineering, technical trade or project type background is required.
• Experienced 8 years in Mining Warehouse and Logistic and Procurement operation
• Mechanical aptitude and or strong general engineering skills Sound knowledge of Inventory Control and Supply chain management
• Experienced as Maintenance Planner 2 years would be an advantage but are not essential.
• Fluent in English, strong computer literacy, good interpersonal skill and motivate people
• Awareness of ERP systems [e.g Avantis, SAP, or JD Edwards] would be an advantage but are not essential.
• Fully understanding with EMS (Environmental Management System)
• Familiar with Customs Regulation for export and import
• Familiar with Freight Regulation
• Able to work under high pressure
• Strong coaching and driving skill for sub ordinate
• Excellent communication skills and team work
• Excellent health, Hard worker, Energetic and Dynamic
• Point of Hire (POH) is Balikpapan
Application together with CV, and recent photograph should be submitted to the address below not later than 4 week after this advertisement date or email to: hr.bpn@petrosea.com. Put the position code desired on the subject letter. All applications will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be notified for interview.
PO BOX 115 76101
Business Services Bali 8 is a company based in Bali. Our services are related to Information Technology, Internet and computer
software & hardware, building and maintaining state-of-the-art business and corporate websites, application developments tailored to
business needs, search engine optimizations and analytical ratings, online portal B2B B2C and directories, Internet and network
Lowongan Kerja di Bali Juni Juli 2009
security consulting, business and corporate network infrastructure development and implementation. Our expanding company seeks high
caliber talented young professionals to join our team as:
I. Sales Representative (SR)
1. Male/Female: min 25-30 years old
2. Min. 1-2 years experience in the same field
3. D3/S1 any major ; high passion and energy to support sales team to achieve target; good communication; negotiation and presentation
4. Excellent in computer skill
5. Fluent in English is a must (oral and written)
6. Hard worker, strong individually, good personality, analytical skill & communication skill, able to work under pressure in team or
7. Willing to be based in Bali is a must
II. Web Developer (WD)
1. Male/Female : min 25-30 years old
2. Min. 1-2 years experience in the same field
3. D3/S1 Information Technology / IT or Computer Science
4. Having a good knowledge of Flash/Flex App, HTML, PHP, XML, Javascript, CSS, Wordpress, Joomla
5. Excellent in computer skill
6. Fluent in English is a must (oral and written)
7. Hard worker, strong individually, good personality, analytical skill & communication skill, able to work under pressure in team or
8. Willing to be based in Bali is a must
Intersted applicants please send email (MS Word or PDF format) detailed CV & recent photo to hrd@bsb8.com no later than July 10 2009.
Please include with your CODE position in the email subject (i.e. SR or WD)
Only short listed candidates will be notified for further interviews.
Qualification :
1. Male or Female
2. S1 / Bachelor degree in Accounting and Tax from reputable university with min GPA 2.75 out of 4.00 scale
3. Have a minimum of 4 years experience in handling accounting, finance and Tax administration.
4. Having Excellent computer skill (Ms. Office such as Excel, Word, Power point)
5. Have strong logical thinking & analytical skills, Good Leadership and communication skill, Team work attitude with good interpersonal relationship, self initiative/motivation and fast learner
Qualification :
1. Male
2. S1 / Bachelor degree in Accounting or Finance from reputable university with min GPA 2.75 out of 4.00 scale
3. Have a minimum of 5 years experience in handling corporate finance activities, taxation and capital market.
4. Capable in operating computer program, i.e. Excel Word and PowerPoint.
5. Fluent in English conversation and possess good communication skill.
6. Able to communicate in Mandarin would be an advantage.
7. Have strong logical thinking & analytical skills, Good Leadership, Team work attitude with good interpersonal relationship, self initiative/motivation
Qualification :
1. Male age max 30 years old
2. Hold bachelor degree (any discipline) and graduated from reputable university or overseas is preferable
3. Having working experienced 1 – 2 years, preferable as Supervisor in any field, preferable having experienced in shipping industry
4. Good in English & report writing
5. Strong person, good leadership, good communication, good analytical skill, good concept
6. Target oriented, mature, energetic person, full initiative, able to work independently or in a team
7. Willing to br posted in Jakarta and Surabaya
Qualification :
1. Female
2. Min. Diploma degree from Port & Shipping Management
3. Graduated from reputable University with min. GPA 2.75 out of 4.00 scale
4. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
5. Able to work under pressure, good initiative, analytical thinking, detail oriented
Qualification :
1. Male
2. Bahcelor Degree from Accounting
3. Graduated from reputable university with min. GPA 3.00 out of 4.00 scale
4. Has 1 year experience as Internal Audit
5. Able to work under pressure, good initiative, analytical thinking, detail oriented, communication and interpersonal skill
If you meet above requirements or interested, please submit your complete application Letter, CV and Latest Photographs to:
PT. Pelayaran Tempuran Emas Tbk.
Jl.Tembang No.51
Tanjung Priok — Jakarta Utara
Jakarta 14310
Lowongan Terbaru Pelayaran Tempuran Emas Tbk. Juli 2009
E-mail : recruitment@temasline.com
We are looking for people with initiative, who has the approach of an open mind and think beyond barriers.
If you are someone who love to play, have lots of energy and who would love to make a real difference in children’s lives, then we are the right place for you!
Job Description:
* Committed to the development and teaching of pre-school children toddler/Kindergarten
* Engage and motivate children through play and hands-on activities
* Prepare and conduct daily lessons and produce course materials accordingly to school’s programmers
* Perform routine care to children
Job Requirements:
* Diploma in Pre-School Teaching / Leadership
* Min 1
* Candidates with relevant teaching experience is an advantage
* Strong command of English
* Cheerful, enthusiastic, team-player
* Willing to learn, takes initiative
* Ability to work independently with minimal supervision
* Working location: Kota Wisata Cibubur
Interested candidates are invited to submit your resume, stating expected salary and date availability together with a recent photograph to:
and Guests the finest golf and family oriented resort club in Indonesia.
The Resort was meticulously planned to combine a world class mountain
ambiance with a truly outstanding championship 18-hole golf course.
The Resort provides first class management, attentive service, excellent
dining and sports, and a host of activities specially focused on golf,
tennis and leisure for Members, Guests and their family
Luxurious Mountain Golf Resort located outside Surabaya is expanding its
management team and is looking for a qualified, motivated,
self-starting, career minded individuals to fill positions as follows:
2. DUTY MANAGER (Hotel Background)
3. SALES MANAGER (Golf & Hotel Background)
4. SALES EXECUTIVE (Golf & Hotel Background)
- 23-40 year old with extensive experiences and proven track records
- Experience in golf resort will be an advantage
- Degree or Equivalent
- Excellent English written and spoken
*- Willing to be placed in Prigen - East Java
For those who meet the above requirements and willing to be posted at
Prigen, Pasuruan- East Java, kindly send your application complete with
recent photograph to:
Human Resources Department
Finna Golf & Country Club Resort
Jl. Raya Barsari, Prigen Pasuruan 67157, East Java - Indonesia
Tel. (62-343) 634888 Fax. (62-343) 632156
Email : hrd@finnagolf.com OR agm@finnagolf.com
Further info, visit: www.finnagolf.com
a.. Minimum Diploma degree (D3 or D4) with minimum GPA: 2,75 from recognize university
Ø Electrical / Industry Instrumentation
Ø Mechanical / Electrical engineering (Sub Concentration : Energy Conversion, Electricity, Electrical, Manufacture, or Industrial Mechanical)
a.. Fresh graduate, or maximum 2 years experience
b.. Willing to work in Shift time
c.. Having good level of computer literacy is an advantage
d.. Willing to be located in Karawang and Bekasi.
If your qualifications meet our requirements, Please send your CV and recent photograph to :
lowongan dokter hewan 2009
Nama Perusahaan : PT. HRL International
Deskripsi : Perusahaan ini bergerak dalam bidang Agrobusiness
Alamat : Jl. Raya Trosobo Komp. Industri Kav. V Trosobo Sidoarjo 61259 - Indonesia
No. Telp. : 62.31.8970603 / 62.31.8971667
Lowongan untuk :
1. Staff Nutrisi
2. Staff Reproduksi
3. Staff Laboratorium
Lokasi Kerja di : Surabaya
Persyaratan :
1. Staff Nutrisi
-Wanita (S1 - Dokter Hewan)
-Pengalaman min. 2 tahun di bidang yang sama
-Diutamakan yang belum menikah
-Mengerti prosedur dan siap kerja
-Mengerti FeedMill / Mesin Pakan / Formulasi Pakan Ternak dan Ikan
-Mengerti seleksi performance, kandungan gizi dan estimasi produk pakan untuk ternak dan ikan
-Teliti, rajin dan mempunyai semangat kerja yang tinggi
2. Staff Reproduksi
-Laki – laki (D3)
-Mengerti teknik sperma beku pada ternak besar dan perunggasan
-Diutamakan yang belum menikah
-Rajin dan mempunyai semangat kerja yang tinggi
3. Staff Laboratorium
-Wanita (S1)
-Mengerti teknik – teknik laboratorium diagnosa penyakit hewan
-Diutamakan yang belum menikah
-Mengerti teknik – teknik analisis Haematologi dan PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
-Teliti, rajin dan mempunyai semangat kerja yang tinggi
1 – 3 Min. IPK > 3,00 Familiar dengan proyek - proyek peternakan intensif :
(Sapi Perah, Kambing, Domba, Bebek Petelur, Bebek Peking, Katak (Bull Frog) dan Burung Merpati)
1 – 3 Jujur dan bertanggung jawab
1 – 3 Bersedia bekerja INSIDENTAL saat – saat tertentu diluar jam kerja
Alamat Surat, dsb : PT. HRL International
Alamat : Jl. Raya Trosobo Komp. Industri Kav. V Trosobo Sidoarjo 61259 - Indonesia
D./L. : 62.31.8970603
Fax.: 62.31.8971667
Ditujukan langsung ke HRD PT. HRL International
max. Tanggal 12 Februari 2009 kami terima
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).
Tgl. Penutupan : 28 Feb 2009
Staff Nutrisi 2. Staff Reproduksi 3. Staff Laboratorium. Lokasi Kerja di : Surabaya. Persyaratan : 1. Staff Nutrisi. -Wanita (S1 - Dokter Hewan) …
lowongan ernst and young 2009
The mission of the Ernst & Young Better Government Programme is to initiate and support activities leading to the improvement of the functioning of public institutions in Poland.
The programme focuses on three priority research areas:
* Institutions in the Health Sector
* Institutions in the Transport Sector
* Other Public Institutions
Ernst & Young invites applications for Research Grants under its Better Government Programme in Poland. The amount of grant for a research report is PLN 60 000 (approx. EUR 15 000).
The deadline for grant applications is 6 April 2009. The Selection Committee will evaluate the applications and announce the grant recipients by July 2009. Details of the application requirements are available at www.bettergovernment.pl
Ernst & Young, we’ll work with you to discover what you want from your career, and then help you get there. Acts as a subject matter resource for a particular function or directs the resolution of highly complex or unusual business problems that cross-functional lines. Our firm invites candidate who bright, dynamic and qualified individual to join as:
Learning and Development Senior Manager
The selected candidate will be responsible for managing Learning and Development area. He or she must have a strong knowledge of talent management, with good experience in Competency Matrix, Learning Gap analysis, Learning Curriculum as well as supporting our service line professionals Learning Need. The role requires liaising with Service line leader and other core business support in the execution of all activities. The position will be based in Jakarta. He/she will report to our People Director directly.
The ideal candidate should have a bachelor’s degree with a major in Psychology or any other disciplines from a reputable university with a minimum ten years of experience in the Learning and Development area.
Good communication and facilitating skills and the ability to work under pressure are considered key attributes for these positions.
In addition, the ideal candidate should have the following general qualifications:
Fluency in English is mandatory. You should be proactive; a self-motivated team player with a “can-do” attitude; and strong interpersonal skills. Ability to develop and lead a small support team is essential. Familiar with Microsoft Office and Web-Based learning.
Please submit a comprehensive curriculum vitae, current and expected salary details, three referees and a recent photograph. Please send your application no later than 6 March 2009.
Ernst & Young
People Group
Please mark “Senior L&D Manager” on the left top of the envelope
Indonesia Stock Exchange Building, Tower I – 12th floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta 12190
E-mail: indonesia.recruitment@id.ey.com