LOWONGAN PT. Luminary Hutama Nusantara
Mohon bantuannya untuk dapa membantu menyebarkan kepada yang mungkin
membutuhkan informasi ini siapa tahu dapat membantu. Sebelumnya kami ucapkan
banyak terima kasih atas bantuannya…
Our company, PT. Luminary Hutama Nusantara (Aveon Auto Rentals) is a rent
car company, having office in Jakarta - Indonesia that offers the definitive
transportation solution to our customers.
We are opening several vacancies; apply ONLY IF you are lived in Jakarta.
* Male, D3 any major;
* Maximum 30 years old of age;
* 2 years of experience in marketing, preferred in automotive
* Having driving license A & C;
* Having good knowledge about negotiation, dealing and selling;
* Familiar or having experience in handling auction process;
* Able to communicate in English (passive) and Indonesia;
* Able to work as a team player, communicative, energetic and
* Work well under pressure, talented individual who has a desire to be
the best;
* Able to use Microsoft Windows, Office, email and internet.
If you meet our requirements, please send your application with: complete
CV, most recent photograph, your availability in strict confidence, stating
your current salary and your expected salary and placed the code on your
email subject to: eric@aveonrentals.com
Charles Jusung
1. Undang-undang nomor 8 tahun 1974 tentang Pokok-pokok Kepegawaian, sebagaimana
telah diubah dengan Undang-undang Nomor 43 Tahun 1999.
2. Undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah.
3. Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 97 tahun 2000 tentang Formasi Pegawai Negeri Sipil,
sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 54 tahun 2003.
4. Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 98 Tahun 2000 tentang Pengadaan Pegawai Negeri Sipil,
sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 11 tahun 2002.
5. Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 9 tahun 2003 tentang Wewenang Pengangkatan,
Pemindahan dan Pemberhentian Pegawai Negeri Sipil.
6. Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 48 tahun 2005 tentang Pengangkatan Tenaga Honorer
menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil.
7. Keputusan Kepala BKN nomor 11 tahun 2002 tanggal 17 Juni 2002 tentang Ketentuan
Pelaksanaan PP 98 tahun 2000 tentang Pengadaan PNS sebagaimana telah diubah
dengan PP 11 Tahun 2002.
8. Peraturan Kepala BKN nomor 21 tahun 2005 tentang Pedoman Pendataan dan
Pengolahan Tenaga Honorer Tahun 2005.
9. Surat Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara nomor B/05.P/M.PAN/10/2008
tanggal 22 Oktober 2008 Perihal Persetujuan Rincian Formasi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil
Daerah (CPNSD) Tahun 2008.
10. Peraturan Kepala Badan Kepagawaian Negara nomor 30 tahun 2007 tanggal 27 Agustus
2007 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Calon Pegawai Negari Sipil.
11. Surat Edaran Kepala Badan Kepegawaian Negara nomor K.26-30/V.109-6/99 tanggal 8
September 2008 perihal Pelaksanaan Pengadaan CPNS Formasi Tahun 2008.
Bersama ini diberitahukan bahwa Pemerintah Kabupaten Blora akan menyelenggarakan
seleksi Pengadaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil dari Pelamar Umum dengan ketentuan
sebagai berikut :
1. Warga Negara Republik Indonesia ;
2. Berusia serendah-rendahnya 18 (delapan belas) tahun dan setinggi-tingginya 35
(tiga puluh lima) tahun pada tanggal 1 Januari 2009 dan atau yang memenuhi
ketentuan Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 98 Tahun 2000 sebagaimana telah diubah
dengan Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 11 Tahun 2002 dan ketentuan
Catatan :
- Pendidikan S-1 maka usia tidak boleh lebih kecil dari 21 tahun;
- Pendidikan S-2 maka usia tidak boleh lebih kecil dari 23 tahun.
3. Mempunyai pendidikan, kecakapan, keahlian dan keterampilan yang diperlukan;
4. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan keputusan Pengadilan
yang sudah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap, karena suatu tindakan pidana
kejahatan ;
5. Tidak pernah terlibat dalam suatu kegiatan / gerakan yang menentang Pancasila,
UUD 1945, Negara dan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia ;
6. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak
dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil / anggota TNI / POLRI atau
diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta ;
7. Telah terdaftar pada Kantor / Dinas Tenaga Kerja setempat, dibuktikan dengan Kartu
Pencari Kerja (AK.I) ;
8. Berkelakuan baik yang dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian
(SKCK) dari Kepolisian Resort (Polres) setempat ;
9. Sehat jasmani dan rohani dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan dari Dokter
10. Tidak pernah mengkonsumsi/ menggunakan narkotika, psikotropika, prekursor dan
zat adiktif lainnya dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan dari unit pelayanan
kesehatan pemerintah.
11. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Wilayah Negara Republik Indonesia ;
12. Bersedia tidak mengajukan permohonan pindah instansi di luar Instansi Pemerintah
Kabupaten Blora, sebelum memiliki masa kerja aktif sekurang-kurangnya 8 (delapan)
tahun dihitung sejak Pengangkatan CPNS, dibuktikan dengan Surat Pernyataan yang
dibubuhi materai Rp. 6.000,-.
Untuk persyaratan umum pada nomor 7 s/d 12 dilampirkan setelah lulus
seleksi CPNS dalam pemberkasan penetapan NIP.
A. Tenaga Kependidikan : 233 formasi
B. Tenaga Kesehatan : 57 formasi
C. Tenaga Teknis Lainnya : 46 formasi
Secara terperinci sebagaimana lampiran I pengumuman ini
1. Warga Negara Indonesia berusia 18 tahun sampai 35 tahun sesuai dengan PP 98
Tahun 2000, berusia 35 tahun lebih sampai dengan 40 tahun sebagaimana diatur
dalam PP 11 Tahun 2002.
2. Peminat yang memenuhi syarat kualifikasi dan persyaratan pendidikan untuk
masing-masing jenis formasi dapat mendaftarkan diri dengan mengirimkan lamaran
kepada Bupati Blora melalui Pos.
3. Waktu Pendaftaran tanggal 4 sampai dengan 16 Nopember 2008 per Cap POS
pada Pukul 08.00 sampai dengan 17.00 WIB, serta harus dapat diterima oleh
Tim Pengadaan CPNS paling lambat 2 (dua) hari setelah hari pendaftaran terakhir.
Bagi Pendaftar yang mengirimkan lamaran secara langsung/tidak memakai
jasa POS serta mengirimkan lamaran sebelum dan sesudah tanggal
ditetapkan dinyatakan tidak berlaku/tidak sah/gugur.
4. Lamaran ditulis tangan sendiri tanpa materai ditujukan kepada Bupati Blora
dengan melampirkan :
a. 1(satu) lembar foto copy ijasah terakhir (bukan ijasah sementara/keterangan
lulus/bukti yudisium) yang telah dilegalisasi oleh pejabat yang berwenang dan 1
(satu) lembar foto copy transkip akademik yang telah dilegalisasi oleh pejabat
yang berwenang serta foto copy Akta IV yang telah dilegalisasi oleh pejabat
yang berwenang sebagaimana tercantum dalam Lampiran III.
b. Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi ketentuan Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 98 Tahun
2000 sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 11 Tahun
2002 dan ketentuan pelaksanaannya, adalah usia paling rendah 18 (delapan
belas tahun) tahun dan paling tinggi 35 (tiga puluh lima) tahun per tanggal 1
Januari 2009, atau sampai dengan 40 (empat puluh) tahun bagi yang
bekerja pada pelayanan dasar instansi pemerintah atau lembaga swasta yang
berbadan hukum yang menunjang kepentingan nasional paling kurang 5 (lima)
tahun pada tanggal 17 April 2002 dan bekerja terus menerus tidak terputus
sampai dengan sekarang atau paling kurang 11 tahun 8 bulan dihitung sampai
dengan 31 Desember 2008, dibuktikan dengan melampirkan foto copy sah
surat keputusan/bukti pengangkatan pertama sampai dengan
pengangkatan terakhir, dari kepala/ pimpinan instansi
pemerintah/lembaga swasta nasional tersebut diatas.
c. Foto Copy KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk) yang masih berlaku dan dilegalisasi oleh
Kepala Desa/ Kepala kelurahan setempat.
d. Pas foto hitam putih terbaru (Max 3 bulan terakhir) ukuran 3×4 sebanyak 4
(empat) lembar, disebaliknya ditulis nama dan alamat pelamar.
e. Berkas lamaran tersebut dimasukkan dalam amplop tertutup ukuran amplop 35 x
24,5 cm, ditujukan kepada PO BOX CPNS KABUPATEN BLORA, pada pojok kiri
atas ditulis jenis formasi dan kode formasi yang dilamar sesuai dengan
pengumuman yang ditempel pada instansi Pemerintah Kabupaten Blora, dan
dikirim dengan cara datang langsung ke Kantor Pos (Contoh sebagaimana
tercantum dalam Lampiran II).
f. Selain berkas lamaran tersebut, didalam amplop pada huruf e wajib disertai
amplop kecil ukuran 23 x 11 cm dengan mencantumkan nama dan alamat
lengkap pelamar serta nomor telepon yang mudah dihubungi (untuk panggilan
mengikuti tes/pengiriman nomor tes dan pengiriman data kekurangan berkas)
sebagaimana tercantum dalam Lampiran II.
5. Dalam surat lamaran harus menuliskan data selengkap-lengkapnya, sebagai berikut :
- Nama Lengkap (semua gelar pendidikan dituliskan di belakang nama);
- Jenis Kelamin ;
- Tempat/ Tanggal lahir ;
- Alamat Lengkap (Jalan, Dukuh/ Kampung, RT/ RW, Kelurahan, Kecamatan,
Kabupaten dan Provinsi,Kode Pos);
- Nomor telepon Rumah dan HP bila ada (telepon yang mudah dihubungi)
- Mencantumkan formasi yang dilamar beserta kodenya dan kualifikasi
pendidikan yang dipersyaratkan.
6. Pengajuan lamaran berdasarkan pada formasi yang dibutuhkan/dibuka dan
kualifikasi pendidikan yang dipersyaratkan pada formasi jabatan.
7. Setiap peserta pendaftar/ pelamar hanya diperbolehkan mengajukan 1 (satu) jenis
8. Biaya jasa pengiriman pendaftaran dan balasan menjadi tanggung jawab pelamar,
yang disyaratkan oleh PT. POS Indonesia lewat layanan khusus pendaftaran
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Berikut Formasi Kebutuhan CPNS Depkes :
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- formasi-depkes-kalteng
Registrasi On line akan di buka mulai tanggal 27 Oktober 2008
Have you heard about The MIT Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies. it will help you and give the the opportunity to learn the way to write good and best you can,it starts from basic expository prose to more advanced forms of non-fictional prose, fiction and poetry, science writing, scientific and technical communication and digital media.
They said that the faculty is consists of many episthoholic like novelists, essayists, poets, translators, biographers, historians, engineers, and scientists.
And The Program subjects are arranged by four areas: exposition and rhetoric, creative writing, science writing, and technical communication. In each area, introductory subjects lead to more specialized advanced subjects. Introductory subjects are designed for students with little experience in writing. Advanced subjects are for students who have mastered the elements of sentence and paragraph structure. A number of the advanced subjects use writing as a vehicle to explore humanistic and scientific issues in a broad cultural context.
The Graduate Program in Science Writing is a 12-month course of study leading to a Master of Science degree. Aimed at students who wish to write about science and technology for general readers, the program is built around an intensive two-semester advanced science-writing seminar. Links to other MIT programs and departments - such as the Knight Science Journalism Fellowships program, Comparative Media Studies, and the Program in Science, Technology and Society - provide rich resources for students who come to the Graduate Program in Science Writing from a variety of backgrounds.
if you like my post send email to imutaja23@gmail.com
Language Dictinories
Language Dictionaries and Translators
"Breaking the barriers of language through learning"
Menghilangkan kesulitan bahasa melalui belajar.
Layanan Word2word dipersembahkan untuk menyediakan kemudahan bagi orang orang untuk mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa inggrisnya. layanan ini telah mencoba untuk menempatkan banyakkamus online sebisa mungkin.
Courses For free
1.Decide on the courses and the dates you want to take the classes
2.Contact a Worker Career Center of your choice from the following list and make an appointment to go see them to discuss the courses and the dates you want to take them.
3.Call us to discuss the courses you want to take. We will write a letter to your counselor which we can e-mail or fax to you or you can come down to discuss with us in person.
4.Present the letter to the counselor for approval. WCC will issue a voucher, which you need to bring with you on the first day of class. This approval process takes about 3-4 weeks so in general, you should choose courses that start at least 3 weeks from the application date.
New York Workforce One Career Center
215 West 125th Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10027
Hours: M-F: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Brooklyn Workforce One Career Center
9 Bond Street, 5th Floor
(Between Livingston and Fulton Street)
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Hours: M-F: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Queens Workforce One Career Center
168-46 91st Avenue, 2nd floor
Jamaica, NY 11432
Hours: M-F: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Bronx Workforce One Career Center
358 East 149th Street, 2nd Floor
Bronx, NY 10455
(718)960-4678 Hours: M-F: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Staten Island Workforce One Career Center
60 Bay Street
Staten Island, NY 10301
Hours: M-F: 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
America Should Pick Georgia Over Russia
Mohammed's piece on today's Wall Street Journal; The war between Russia and Georgia -- and particularly what Russia aspires to gain from this showdown -- may have future consequences for the situation in the Middle East. It may also have the potential to alter the existing world order and restore a condition somewhat similar to what we had in the Cold War era. A recent statement by Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov caught my attention: "We understand that this current Georgian leadership is a special project of the United States, but one day the United States will have to choose between defending its prestige over a virtual project or real partnership which requires joint action." |
Vacancy for Cruise Industry
Curently the company is looking for the following individuals to work on board their luxurious passengers ship:
- Job Experience as Sailor on the vessel for min. 1 year.
- Having STCW/BST Certificate
- Job Experience as Wiper on the vessel for min. 1 year.
- Having STCW/BST Certificate
Assistant Steward Lido
- Minimum 1 year working experience (job training) as restaurant waiter at qualified international restaurants/F&B Department
Clerk (leading to Purser)
- Minimum S1 major in Accounting or related studies from reputable university
- Having accounting job experience will be an advantage
- Strong leadership
General Purpose Attendant (GPA) Housekeeping
- Male / Female
- Minimum 6 months job training/experience as Laundryman, Room boy/Room maid or Public Area Attendant at Housekeeping department
General Requirements:
1. Minimum D1 in hotel school (code ASL, GPA-HK/GPA HKF).
2. Minimum high school graduate or equivalent. (code WPR & SLR).
3. Latest job experience should be no more than 2 years ago (code ASL and GPA-HK/GPA HKF; WPR and SLR).
4. Good command of English. Candidates need to meet the minimum standard of command of English. Testing consist of verbal, written and computerized test on grammar, listening and conversation.
5. Minimum 21 years old and maximum 35 years old.
6. Minimum height for male160 cms and female 156 cm.
7. Male / Female who are physically & mentally fit.
8. Basic Safety Training Certificate (for GPA Laundry Position-Hotel Dept).
Please complete all of copies documents required as follows:
1. Application letter should be written in English.
2. Curriculum Vitae.
3. Latest certificate endorsed by the school.
4. Certificate of Job Training or Job Experience and English Course.
5. Birth certificate.
6. Family card (kartu keluarga) and ID card (KTP).
7. Letter of good behavior from the police department (SKCK).
8. Letter of permission to work with Holland America Line from parents/husband/wife affixed with Rp 6000 stamp duty.
9. Recent color photograph 4 (four) pieces size 4 x 6 cm.
Please quote the above code on the top left of the envelope and send your application to:
Sudirman Tower 16th Floor,
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 60,
Jakarta 12190 - Indonesia
Tel: (62-21) 5227717
Fax: (62-21) 5227707
Email: Info@sbimanning.co.id
Why work for Incisive media online
Career opportunities within the UK's fastest growing media company are unrivalled by our competitors. We offer an extensive range of jobs, training courses, support and mentoring all of which are available to our employees throughout their careers.
We are now a worldwide company with offices in London, North America, India, Hong Kong and China. Incisive offers real opportunities for successful employees to enjoy jobs with global mobility, either through international transfers or business travel.
The quality of our products is realised through the quality of our employees - apply today to join our award winning team.
Lowongan CPNS 2008 Marketing & Administration
PT Hamaru Mega Tectona
Posted date: 11-Sep-2008
Location: Cibitung
penampilan menarik,
dapat mengoperasikan komputer,
bahasa inggris sangat disarankan
usia maksimal 30th
Minimal Diploma, S1
AdsSpy: 16 sites by this AdSense ID
Job Title Marketing & Administration
Post Details
Posted By PT Hamaru Mega Tectona
Job Function staff
Start Date 1 august 2008
Salary 2jt
Cell Phone 081380260999
Email jati.prabowo@hamaruindonesia.com
Location Cibitung
Deadline 29-Nov-2008
Location Location -> DKI Jakarta
Job Type Job Type -> Permanent
Job Classification Job Classification -> Marketing / Public Relations
Drug Rehabilitation at Chapmanhouseinc.com

drug detoxification has become a serious problem for the governments of many countries. Million dollars is spent by the systematic programme of these governments to prevent people from falling into drugs and to provide treatment to those who already is devoted to drugs. It is like slow poison with a nation that leads to its destruction. Chapmanhouseinc.com Chapman House Inc., Is such a centre of rehabilitating drug located in Orange, CA with the service of detox adjustment of the 12-step drug and rehabilitation of drug and website at chapmanhouseinc. com.
Drug rehab provided by Chapman House that inc. is one of best in the treatment of drug-liking in the world. They provide treatment drugs and drugs in a hospital coat the unity of and adjustment to ensure that patients recover.
detoxification drug in Chapmanhouseinc.com also offers the intervention of the coin Chapman family, psychological test, test drugs and other services to help end the abuse. Chapmanhouseinc.com provides equipment to be drug users and recovered to provide a fanatical original mode of life and a new lease of life. The location trigger twenty-four hours a day, 7 days a week and is always ready to answer any questions from users about the drug-liking and problems. Visit the site just so you can collect more advice
Lowongan Kerja Guru di Bekasi
AdsSpy: 15 sites by this AdSense ID
Our school (National plus standard kindergarten) in West Bekasi is looking for Main Teacher with qualification :
* Female
* Max 35 yrs
* D3/ S1
* Min 1 yr exp in similiar position in National plus/International school
* Fluent in English (oral & written)
Please send your CV and application letter to peachbls14@yahoo.com
Zenni Optical,Nice Glasses

Zenni Optical is the store online that you need to visit to buy your prescription glasses. Why? Because you can choose over its huge selection of glasses and get your stylish prescription glasses at affordable price.
You will get low price from Zenni is because they get the products directly from their own factories without going through middlemen.
Now, Zenni Optical was on FOX news! Their products were reviewed by consumer reporter Melissa Painter in Deal or Dud’s archive. But what Zenni Optical is? This is really great news for all of you
so don forget to visit , Zenni Optical $ 8 Rx Eyeglasses it is your choice.zenni optical is the best choose for eyglasses
PHP Programmer
PHP Programmer
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Netviro adalah perusahaan penyedia layanan domain dan web hosting di Pekanbaru, Riau.
Saat ini dalam proses pengembangan beberapa aplikasi web-based (ecommerce, social networking, dll) dan membutuhkan 1 orang Programmer PHP + MySQL diutamakan yang telah berpengalaman.
Project-project menarik yang menantang kreatifitas dan logical thinking menunggu anda.
- Pria/Wanita
- Max 30 tahun
- Menguasai PHP dengan baik (bisa hand-coding)
- Menguasai MySQL (termasuk konsep database)
- Menguasai XHTML
- Menguasai CSS (lebih baik jika mengerti tableless design)
- Menguasai Javascript
- Mahir menggunakan Macromedia Dreamweaver
- Menguasai AJAX (tidak utama namun lebih disukai)
- Jujur dan Bertanggungjawab
- Bersedia base di Pekanbaru, Riau (tempat tinggal akan dibantu)
Pengalaman Kerja: Min 1 tahun
Lokasi Kerja: Pekanbaru, Riau
- Surat Lamaran
- Curriculum Vitae
- Foto Diri Terbaru
- No Telfon dan Email yang bs dihubungi
- Contoh Website/Aplikasi Web yang pernah dikerjakan
- Gaji yang diinginkan
Kami juga akan mengirimkan tugas sederhana untuk anda kerjakan sebagai
bahan pertimbangan tambahan.
Lowongan Kerja Hotel JW Marriott Medan
* Front Office Manager
* Guest Relation Manager
* Front Desk Manager
* FO Supervisor
* Chief Concierge
* Guest Relation Officer
* AYS Manager
* Health Club & Spa Manager
* Health Club & Spa Assistant Manager
* Laundry Manager, Assistant Manager, Supervisor
* Housekeeping Supervisor
* Beverage Manager
* Chinese Restaurant Manager
* Director of Event Management
* Event Manager
* Assistant Banquet Manager
* Event Coordinator
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* Sales Manager
* Catering Sales Manager
* PR Manager
For those who are interested in those positions are welcome to submit your complete CV and recent photograph to:
Director of Human Resources
JW Marriott Medan
Jl. Putri Hijau No: 10
Email: mhrs.mesmc.careers@marriott.com
DEKA Marketing Research Consultancy
Tugas :
Mewawancarai responden/customer melalui telepon dengan panduan sebuah kuesioner.
Persyaratan :
a.. Pria/Wanita
b.. Pendidikan : Minimal SMA/SMK
c.. Lebih disukai yang memiliki pengalaman sebagai Call Centre, Customer Service, Receptionist.
d.. Memiliki suara yang enak didengar
e.. Ramah dan bertutur kata santun
f.. Memiliki tehnik berkomunikasi dengan baik
g.. Berorientasi kerja pada target
h.. Memiliki motivasi dan disiplin kerja yang tinggi
i.. Dapat bekerja Full time (Senin-Jum'at) selama bulan Agustus atau September 2008
Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan di atas, kirimkan segera surat lamaran, CV serta photo terakhir paling lambat tanggal 18 Juli 2008, ke : hrd@deka-research. co.id atau Bagian R & T, U.p. sdri. Linda, Jl. Pangeran Antasari No. 62, Cipete, Jakarta Selatan. Telp. 739 3761.
Cantumkan kode : PH08 pada email, amplop surat atau surat lamaran anda.
Poppy S. Pramawati
Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 24A
Jakarta 12170
Telp. (021 723 6901
Fax (021) 723 3373
poppy@deka-research .co.id
Coke Happiness Factory er god film

Byrået faktisk premiered det i Second Life sist uke på en "glitzy arrangementet deltok nesten 100 fortryllende avatarer kledd i rødt teppe mote, inkludert journalister fra hele verden"
Nedenfor har jeg også lagt inn "mockumentary" basert på "livet på innsiden av Happiness Factory" - for de som ikke har kommet over det ennå.

lowongan terbaru Berca Mandiri Perkasa; 9 Positions
Berca Mandiri Perkasa; 9 Positions
lowongan terbaru bulan juli agustus , July 05, 2008 Expiry date : Saturday, July 19, 2008
We area reputable Mechanical and Electrical Contractor, Heavy Equipment Rental and Trading Company, seeking for high caliber candidates to fill several vacancies in our business unit.
A. Heavy Equipment Rental Head (RH) (1)
You will be responsible for the developing, promoting and implementing for Heavy Equipment Rental business. As a Rental Head, you required to prepare, arrange, manage and control rental operation. Strong technical knowledge, market survey, forecast, analyze and evaluate potential market
B. Project Manager (PM) ( 2 )
You will be responsible for the developing, monitoring and Implementing for Heavy Equipment Rental business. As a Project Manager, you will take a leadership role in the day to day management and operation. Strong technical knowledge as well as good controlling system and team work is a must. As a leader at the site you would be able to communicate with customer.
C. Sales Forklift (SF) ( 2 )
You will be responsible for the developing, promoting and selling product of Forklift as well as identifying and providing market analysis in covered area. As a Sales Forklift, you required to build and maintain strong relationship with customer at different levels and solve any related issues to the customer.
D. Sales Representative (SR) ( 4 )
(2 for Jakarta, 1 for Pekanbaru and 1 for Surabaya)
You will be responsible for the developing, promoting and selling product of Wire rope as well as identifying and providing market analysis in covered area. As a SR, you required to build arid maintain strong relationship with customer at different levels and solve any related issues to the customer.
E. Pre Sales UPS (PS) (2)
You will be providing technical solution based on any technical situation for data center, design the solution, preparation or submission proposals, supporting documentation for sales as well as directly to customers and knowledge of using AutoCAD.
F. Sales Engineer UPS (USE) ( 2 )
You will be responsible for the developing, promoting and selling product of UPS as well as identifying and providing market analysis in covered area. As a USE, you required to build and maintain strong relationship with customer at different levels and solve any related issues to the customer.
G. Sales Support (SS) ( 2 )
You will be responsible for the selling service of UPS system. As a Sales Support, you required to build and maintain strong relationship with customer at different levels and solve any related issues to the customer.
H. UPS Engineer (UPS-E) ( 2 )
You will be responsible for the goal of job progress as on schedule in repair activity for UPS system. As a UPS Technician, you required to have good knowledge and troubleshooting of UPS 3 phase system.
I. Air Cond. Engineer (A/C-E) ( 2 )
You will be responsible for the goal of job progress as on schedule in repair activity for Air Condition/ Chiller system. As a A/C-Technician, you required to have good knowledge and troubleshooting of Air Condition / Chiller system.
Minimum Requirements:
• Bachelor degree in electro (E, F) and all area studies (A).
• Bachelor degree in mechanical or D3 graduate may also apply (B, D, I).
• Diploma (D3) in mechanical (I).
• Diploma (D3) in electro (G, H).
• Diploma (D3) all area studies (B).
• Minimum 3 years experience (A, B, C).
• Minimum 2 years experience (D, E, F, G, H, I).
• Preferably have own vehicle and local candidates (A, C, D, F, G, H, I).
• Self motivate and strong in communication skill.
• Able to work under pressure with minimum supervision and hard worker.
• Strong team player and computer literate.
• Proficient in English both spoken and written.
Please send your comprehensive CV with latest photograph and position code on left corner of the envelope latest within 2 weeks after the publication of this advertisement to:
Human Resources Department
PO. BOX 3310 Jakarta 10730
or email us at: hrd@berca-mp.co.id
Vacancy Telekomunikasi Terbaru - XL
Company Description of EXCELCOMINDO PRATAMA, PT (XL)
Outstanding Opportunity
A growing telecommunication company is looking for professional and qualified candidates for:
- Bachelor in Electrical Engineering
- *
- 1 – 2 years of experience in related field
- *
- Understand design power system for telecommunication
- *
- Knowledge and skills in SAP is advantages
- *
- Good in analytical skill
- *
- Have a pleasant personality
- *
- Willing to work overtime and under pressure
Successful candidate will work in a result oriented and dynamic environment. Send your application and curriculum vitae by indicating the code you apply in the e-mail subject before June 20, 2008 (in MS Word, no more than 100 kb) to:
- Recruitment@xl.co.id
Blogged with Flock
Lowongan kerja terbaru Bank Panin
Company Description of PANIN BANK
ANZ is accelerating the growth of its business to meet the needs of more customers in Asia. Our solid foundation for significant growth and investment has been built over more than 35 years since ANZ opened its first office in Asia. We recognize our greatest asset is our people. That is why we are creating a unique climate of inspiration, leadership and great opportunities that will be enable the best in market to thrive as part of our diverse team.
ANZ is planning a rapid expansion of its Retail Network and Corporate Banking in Indonesia. Over the next five years our aim is for our business to grow rapidly and become a significant major bank in Indonesia. To support this growth there are currently a number of graduate opportunities within our Corporate Banking and Retail Team. We invite applications from talented applicants who are suitably qualified, committed and Indonesian citizens.
We seek high potential officers who have the ability to progress into Management in the future in Corporate Banking and Retail Banking. Successful candidates will be provided with on the job training and career development opportunities.
Essential Requirements:
Fresh graduate, male or female, age max 28 years old
University graduate from reputable university, preferably overseas graduate with GPA minimum 3.0
Excellent communication skills in English and Indonesia
Focused on fostering innovation
Excellent interpersonal & communication skill
Excellent analytical skills and numerical agility with strong problem solving ability
Self initiative, enthusiastic in learning new things, high motivation and committed
Computer literacy (Words, Excel, Power Point)
We offer an attractive remuneration package, opportunities for job attachment and overseas training to ANZ in Asia countries and career development. Please send your application, resume, scanned academic transcript and formal education certificate within one week of this advertisement to: id.hrd@anz.com
All applicants will be treated as strictly confidential. Please indicate the position in your e-mail subject (GRADUATE TRAINEE APPLICATION)
Dont be late...
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Lowongan Kerja Bridal International
Ass Photographer (Pria)
Marketing (Wanita)
Bridal International membutuhkan
- usia 20-26 penampilan menarik dan bisa berbahasa mandarin.
- usia 20-28 tahun, bisa bekerja keras bisa berbahasa mandarin
jl. Boulevard Barat Raya
Ruko Inkopal Blok A No. 19-20
Kelapa Gading Jakarta Utara
Blogged with Flock
membutuhkan :
* Pria & Wanita, usia maksimal 35 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal SLTA
* Mempunyai sertifikat diksar POLRI
* Bersedia dirotasi
* Tinggi badan minimal 165 cm ( Pria ), 160 cm ( Wanita )
Kirim / ANTAR lamaran ke :
PO BOX 9388 JATDK 13093
*harap cantumkan alamat website loaowngn kerja ini
Email :premium.job@premconst.Com
TELP. 0813 111 666 19
Blogged with Flock
Terbaru Lowongan Kerja Suzuki Sales Executive
Suzuki Sales Executive (SSE)
* Pria, dengan usia maks 30 tahun
* Pendidikan lulusan D3/S1 Semua Jurusan
* Mempunyai minat dibidang otomotif
* Memiliki kendaraan bermotor dan SIM A/C
* Gigih, percaya diri dan berorientasi kepada target
* Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh dealer Suzuki se-JaBoDeTaBek
Anda akan memperoleh penghasilan tetap, insentif sebesar-besarnya, berbagai tunjangan, pelatihan dan kesempatan karir.
Segera Kirimkan lamaran beserta Pasfoto Anda paling lambat tgl 31 Mei 2008 dengan mencantumkan kode posisi Ke:
PT Indomobil Niaga International
Wisma Indomobil 1 Lt. 8
Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 8, Jakarta Timur 13330
atau melalui email : Recruitment@suzuki.co.id
Deadline: June 31, 2008
Lokasi : JaBoDeTaBek
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bad credit cash advance and payday loan
you know that idea of conveniently getting a cash loan or payday loan despite bad credit does sound wonderful. However, some unscrupulous companies looking to fleece people use this very lure of easy loans as bait. Or some companies try to talk naive persons into availing cash advance services involving exorbitant interest rates. You must, therefore, be very careful while signing up for cash advance loans.
Now start and you can try searching through the World Wide Web. You can choose from the various offers, rates and proposals that these companies have. There are companies who offer online application processing so that you need not rush to their office or the bank.
and payday loan does not require to furnish any documents at the time of availing this loan. You just have to fill the application form after which the loan gets approved within a period of 24 hours. The money approved will be directly transferred to your bank account . if you are using the online option, then the approval time gets drastically reduced to a few hours.
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credit card debt consolidation for you
of course, not all of us think that transferring balance into another account is a good solution. Some of us consider that the best way of paying off other existing debts is by getting a loan. In other words this is the application process for a loan of low interest from the bank or from any other financial institution in order to pay off the money you owe from credit card providers with high rates of interest. This procedure is based on the same principle as shifting your cash between two accounts.
A credit card debt consolidation loan, however, has to be paid back in monthly installments according to the terms and conditions you agreed upon with the bank or financial institution when you applied for the loan. In other words, this is an unsecured loan where the company or financial institution you got the loan from does not require you to pledge any security in any form.
However, people with a bad credit history and low credit rating still have another option. They can avail of the credit card debt consolidation loan and use this for credit card debt settlement. In this case, the customer will be required to pledge a security like your house or any other thing that has a high value comparable to your consolidation loan amount.
Blogged with Flock
Home Insurance for You
The cost of home insurance often depends on what it would cost to replace the house and which additional riders—additional items to be insured—are attached to the policy. The insurance policy itself is a lengthy contract, and names what will and what will not be paid in the case of various events. Typically, claims due to earthquakes, floods, "Acts of God", or war (whose definition typically includes a nuclear explosion from any source) are excluded. Special insurance can be purchased for these possibilities, including flood insurance and earthquake insurance. Insurance must be updated to the present and existing value at whatever inflation up or down, and an appraisal paid by the insurance company will be added on to the policy premium.
fast payday loan
loans will now give you that reason to be joyous and relieved that you so much needed.
As the name itself suggests, these loans are very fast. This means that the approval of fast payday loans does not take up much time and happens in less than 24 hours. Various factors can be attributed to this like no asset or credit checks not much documentation. Online application can greatly reduce approval time due to fast processing. If the borrower is employed, has a regular residence, is over 18 years and a citizen of the UK, then getting approval for fast payday loans is not a big deal for him.
and Fast payday loan can be used for any purposes like medical expenses, credit card repayment, payment of gas, electricity or grocery bills, buying a new home appliance, for any celebrations, urgent car or home repairs etc. For al these needs, an amount in the range of £100-£1500 is made available to the borrower through fast payday loans.
for Repayment of the fast payday loan has to be done by the borrower on his next salary day. The term of repayment, however is 14-31 days. If the borrower wants a loan term extension or wants to pay in installments, he can pay a small fee to the lender and get that done.
Exploratory Essays on the www
The exploratory essay builds on the inquiry essay by having you look at and contribute to a range of arguments rather than just one at a time.
- The focus of an exploratory essay is a question, rather than a thesis.
- The two main ways to compose an exploratory essay yield different effects
- Exploratory essays chronicle your research actions and the thinking that results from those actions
- Exploratory essays regularly consider the strengths and weaknesses of various different solutions to a perplexing problem.
- Exploratory essays are often dialectical in either the Platonic or Hegelian sense of that term.
Qualifications :
* University Graduate
* Male/ Female, age above 30 years old
* Proven Experience in Domestic Container Shipping Operations such as agency &
vessel scheduling & operations, Depot and container stock management.
* Able to lead and manage a team of field assistans
* Good coordination and negotiable skills
* PC literate and speaks good English
Send your resume immediately with details work experience and job descriptions along with your expected salary to trantek.adm@centrin.net.id Attn.Ms. Novi. Please note the position as a subject of your email. Only those qualified will be interviewed.Visit our website at www.trantek.co.id.
Plaza-Lowongan, khusus untuk iklan lowongan kerja.
Sebutkan dengan jelas perusahaan anda, kwalifikasi
dan benefit yang anda tawarkan.
Jika anda sering posting lowongan kerja dan
ingin posting tanpa moderasi, silahkan kontak saya by phone.
alamat kontak saya di http://groups.yahoo.com/group/top-info
Untuk iklan selain lowongan kerja, silahkan ke:
Iklan 100 Level Yang Dapat Nempel terbawa terus
Laris manis tanpa daftar bisa pasang iklan.
http://bannerstore.rajaplaza.com http://pulsa.ripulis.com
dan banyak lagi, temukan di website di atas.
Best regards
Plaza-Lowongan Moderator
PT Nissan Motor Indonesia
Buyer Staff
Job Description :
* to study localization from cost point of view base on schedule.
* To make cost reduction using purchasing tools.
* To maintain raw material, process & supplier database.
* To study the A.SOP Price adjustment.
Requirement :
* Bachelor degree from reputable university major in Mechanical or Industrial Engineering with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
* Has 1-2 years experience in the same related field
* Male, Preferable single, age maximum 25 years old
* Has high analysis skill and can work under pressure
* Has good interpersonal skill, negotiation skill, communicative
* Has organization experience
* Fluent in English is a must (both oral and written).
Please submit your complete application letter
Before April 21, 2008 to:
HRD-GA Division
Gd.Nissan MT.Haryono 3rd floor
Jl.MT.Haryono Kav.10 Jakarta Timur 13330
Or via email:
(Subject : Buyer Staff)
komatsu vacancy
Foundry Junior Engineer (FE-JR)
1. Diploma major in Electrical Engineering (Arus Kuat or Mechantronic)
2. Fresh Graduate
3. Computer literate, AutoCAD 3D (preferable)
4. Fluent in English both spoken and written
5. Hard worker, able to work under pressure, eager to learn and adaptable
If you are meet our qualifications, please send your application, complete CV, supporting documents and your recent photograph with the position code on the upper left corner of the envelope or e-mail subject. Send it not later than 7 April 2008 to:
PT Komatsu Indonesia-Recruitment & Development
Jl. Raya Cakung Cilincing Km. 4 Jakarta 14140
or by e-mail to: hr@komi.co.id
Sales Administration (DA)
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta Selatan)
* Minimum D3 graduate from reputable university
* Minimum 2 years experiences in SAP
* In SAP System
o Create Quotation
o Create Sales Order
o Create Credit Note
o Create Sample
o Create Schedule Delivery and Monitor Delivery
o Check Payment with Credit Control for release Order
# Outside System
* Fax Sales Contract
* Coordination with Warehouse on Delivery & Stock
* Serve Inquiry from Customer with Delivery Schedule,
* Delivery & Complain
* Filling & Documentation
# Good command of English and MS. Office
What be needed to submit:
# Application Letter
# Curriculum Vitae
# Copy of Academic Transcript
# The latest photograph (size 4 x 6 cm, colour)
To apply, please send your resume and salary requirements not later than 23rd December 2007 to:
P.O. BOX 3041 - CILEGON 42400
or mail to: recruitment@pttitan.com