
PHP Programmer


PHP Programmer
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Netviro adalah perusahaan penyedia layanan domain dan web hosting di Pekanbaru, Riau.
Saat ini dalam proses pengembangan beberapa aplikasi web-based (ecommerce, social networking, dll) dan membutuhkan 1 orang Programmer PHP + MySQL diutamakan yang telah berpengalaman.
Project-project menarik yang menantang kreatifitas dan logical thinking menunggu anda.

- Pria/Wanita
- Max 30 tahun
- Menguasai PHP dengan baik (bisa hand-coding)
- Menguasai MySQL (termasuk konsep database)
- Menguasai XHTML
- Menguasai CSS (lebih baik jika mengerti tableless design)
- Menguasai Javascript
- Mahir menggunakan Macromedia Dreamweaver
- Menguasai AJAX (tidak utama namun lebih disukai)
- Jujur dan Bertanggungjawab
- Bersedia base di Pekanbaru, Riau (tempat tinggal akan dibantu)

Pengalaman Kerja: Min 1 tahun

Lokasi Kerja: Pekanbaru, Riau

- Surat Lamaran
- Curriculum Vitae
- Foto Diri Terbaru
- No Telfon dan Email yang bs dihubungi
- Contoh Website/Aplikasi Web yang pernah dikerjakan
- Gaji yang diinginkan

Kami juga akan mengirimkan tugas sederhana untuk anda kerjakan sebagai
bahan pertimbangan tambahan.
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Lowongan Kerja Hotel JW Marriott Medan

An international five star hotel located in Medan is URGENTLY looking for some potential candidates to fill in these following positions:

Lowongan Kerja Hotel JW Marriott Medan
* Assistant Director of F&B
* Front Office Manager
* Guest Relation Manager
* Front Desk Manager
* FO Supervisor
* Chief Concierge
* Guest Relation Officer
* AYS Manager
* Health Club & Spa Manager
* Health Club & Spa Assistant Manager
* Laundry Manager, Assistant Manager, Supervisor
* Housekeeping Supervisor
* Beverage Manager
* Chinese Restaurant Manager
* Director of Event Management
* Event Manager
* Assistant Banquet Manager
* Event Coordinator
* Director of Sales
* Sales Manager
* Catering Sales Manager
* PR Manager

For those who are interested in those positions are welcome to submit your complete CV and recent photograph to:

Director of Human Resources
JW Marriott Medan
Jl. Putri Hijau No: 10

DEKA Marketing Research Consultancy

DEKA Marketing Research Consultancy, perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang penelitian pemasaran dan merupakan anggota ESOMAR (organisasi internasional yang menyediakan layanan market, consumer & society research) membuka lowongan untuk posisi Phone Interviewer.

Tugas :
Mewawancarai responden/customer melalui telepon dengan panduan sebuah kuesioner.

Persyaratan :
a.. Pria/Wanita
b.. Pendidikan : Minimal SMA/SMK
c.. Lebih disukai yang memiliki pengalaman sebagai Call Centre, Customer Service, Receptionist.
d.. Memiliki suara yang enak didengar
e.. Ramah dan bertutur kata santun
f.. Memiliki tehnik berkomunikasi dengan baik
g.. Berorientasi kerja pada target
h.. Memiliki motivasi dan disiplin kerja yang tinggi
i.. Dapat bekerja Full time (Senin-Jum'at) selama bulan Agustus atau September 2008
Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan di atas, kirimkan segera surat lamaran, CV serta photo terakhir paling lambat tanggal 18 Juli 2008, ke : hrd@deka-research. atau Bagian R & T, U.p. sdri. Linda, Jl. Pangeran Antasari No. 62, Cipete, Jakarta Selatan. Telp. 739 3761.

Cantumkan kode : PH08 pada email, amplop surat atau surat lamaran anda.

Poppy S. Pramawati
Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 24A
Jakarta 12170
Telp. (021 723 6901
Fax (021) 723 3373

Coke Happiness Factory er god film

Jeg vet det er en lang kommersiell å selge deg Kull, og jeg bare ikke bryr seg. The Happiness Factory animerte kort er fantastisk. Du har kanskje sett noen tv-spots i denne, men her kan du se hele tingen. Jeg har egentlig ikke fått forbi den første filmen på en splash-side, men det ser ut som det kan være mer innhold og ting å gjøre når du går inn i området. Lekker!Coke Happiness Factory

En flott andre utgivelsen av "New Coca-Cola Happiness Factory" TV-annonse, laget av Wieden + Kennedy og animerte av Psyop
Byrået faktisk premiered det i Second Life sist uke på en "glitzy arrangementet deltok nesten 100 fortryllende avatarer kledd i rødt teppe mote, inkludert journalister fra hele verden"
Nedenfor har jeg også lagt inn "mockumentary" basert på "livet på innsiden av Happiness Factory" - for de som ikke har kommet over det ennå.
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lowongan terbaru Berca Mandiri Perkasa; 9 Positions


Berca Mandiri Perkasa; 9 Positions
lowongan terbaru bulan juli agustus , July 05, 2008 Expiry date : Saturday, July 19, 2008

We area reputable Mechanical and Electrical Contractor, Heavy Equipment Rental and Trading Company, seeking for high caliber candidates to fill several vacancies in our business unit.
A. Heavy Equipment Rental Head (RH) (1)
You will be responsible for the developing, promoting and implementing for Heavy Equipment Rental business. As a Rental Head, you required to prepare, arrange, manage and control rental operation. Strong technical knowledge, market survey, forecast, analyze and evaluate potential market

B. Project Manager (PM) ( 2 )
You will be responsible for the developing, monitoring and Implementing for Heavy Equipment Rental business. As a Project Manager, you will take a leadership role in the day to day management and operation. Strong technical knowledge as well as good controlling system and team work is a must. As a leader at the site you would be able to communicate with customer.

C. Sales Forklift (SF) ( 2 )
You will be responsible for the developing, promoting and selling product of Forklift as well as identifying and providing market analysis in covered area. As a Sales Forklift, you required to build and maintain strong relationship with customer at different levels and solve any related issues to the customer.

D. Sales Representative (SR) ( 4 )
(2 for Jakarta, 1 for Pekanbaru and 1 for Surabaya)
You will be responsible for the developing, promoting and selling product of Wire rope as well as identifying and providing market analysis in covered area. As a SR, you required to build arid maintain strong relationship with customer at different levels and solve any related issues to the customer.

E. Pre Sales UPS (PS) (2)
You will be providing technical solution based on any technical situation for data center, design the solution, preparation or submission proposals, supporting documentation for sales as well as directly to customers and knowledge of using AutoCAD.

F. Sales Engineer UPS (USE) ( 2 )
You will be responsible for the developing, promoting and selling product of UPS as well as identifying and providing market analysis in covered area. As a USE, you required to build and maintain strong relationship with customer at different levels and solve any related issues to the customer.

G. Sales Support (SS) ( 2 )
You will be responsible for the selling service of UPS system. As a Sales Support, you required to build and maintain strong relationship with customer at different levels and solve any related issues to the customer.

H. UPS Engineer (UPS-E) ( 2 )
You will be responsible for the goal of job progress as on schedule in repair activity for UPS system. As a UPS Technician, you required to have good knowledge and troubleshooting of UPS 3 phase system.

I. Air Cond. Engineer (A/C-E) ( 2 )
You will be responsible for the goal of job progress as on schedule in repair activity for Air Condition/ Chiller system. As a A/C-Technician, you required to have good knowledge and troubleshooting of Air Condition / Chiller system.

Minimum Requirements:
• Bachelor degree in electro (E, F) and all area studies (A).
• Bachelor degree in mechanical or D3 graduate may also apply (B, D, I).
• Diploma (D3) in mechanical (I).
• Diploma (D3) in electro (G, H).
• Diploma (D3) all area studies (B).
• Minimum 3 years experience (A, B, C).
• Minimum 2 years experience (D, E, F, G, H, I).
• Preferably have own vehicle and local candidates (A, C, D, F, G, H, I).
• Self motivate and strong in communication skill.
• Able to work under pressure with minimum supervision and hard worker.
• Strong team player and computer literate.
• Proficient in English both spoken and written.

Please send your comprehensive CV with latest photograph and position code on left corner of the envelope latest within 2 weeks after the publication of this advertisement to:

Human Resources Department
PO. BOX 3310 Jakarta 10730
or email us at:

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